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Print Box becomes smaller



A person designed this form and I have updated the code to simplify as it was there first attmept at design via VBA code.

In both cases the person has a problem with the Print Box on the details TAB becoming shorter.

I have tested on excel 2007 at home and it works. with excel 2010 at work, some times the box goes shorter and some time in remains the same.

Any ideas how to fix this. its a puzzle for me.


  • Expense claim.xlsm
    74.2 KB · Views: 10

That's a rather Bizarre problem that I haven't seen before

However as always, in Excel, there is a solution.

Delete the Button
Add an Active X Button not a Form Control Button
Double click on the Button and add the following code
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call Printout
End Sub

Format Button as appropriate
make sure you aren't in design mode, on the Developer tab

Thank you for your reply. Will redo all the boxes in active x buttons for the person.
I did have the error in the spreadsheet I recieved. fix the error and it contiunued on the users machine so I think your idea will solve it. thank for your time once again. A++
Have tried. the Print Box shrinks on my work machine and not on my home machine. Any Ideas. Simple solution is to remove the print box on th secdond tab yet would be interested in why it is happening.


  • New Expense_claim.xlsm
    70.9 KB · Views: 2
Details - TAB.

Excel 2007 - the box stays the same - @ home
Excel 2010 - the box becomes smaller - @ work.

Any ideas.