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Preserving a Format on a Computer System


New Member
Is there a way I could customize a pivot table,(Row and Font Colors, Bold Totals, etc), and "freeze" the formatting to stay when I switch information in and out of the table? As well as save it as a default for all my company reports? And even more so, is there a way I can save the format for all employees to use to format the company reports?

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

This is an option under Excel 2007+

But not under 97-2003

Select a cell in the PT

Right Click, PT options

Enable Preserve Cell Formatting on Update

Under 2003 you will have to record a macro to repeat your steps and apply it on the PT Update event
Thank you,

I have tried that solution and it is not preserving the formatting I want. I want to preserve title row rolors and fonts.

Ex.: I have a table of Groups filtered into divisions. Groups is my main filter so each group row is blue with white font. My groups have 3 sub groups or divisions, those division rows are grey with black font to distingish them. And underneath each division is information that is just black font. Now - when I want to replace Groups with Locations as a main filter, I want the row to remain blue with white font.

- I want to preserve the format of the Group, subgroup and subsubgroup. Is this possible?