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power point to excell



i have a little problem with excell generating information into powerpoint.

in my work i make presentation every sunday with almost the same details just replacing the name of the file.i want that after changing the file name to get inside powerpoint and change the direction.

how can i do this?

Have you read: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/08/03/create-powerpoint-presentations-using-excel-vba/
yes i check and read this is not helping me.

i need only to change the traffic in power point and let him take the same graph in the same sheets but the name of the file will be change.

for example: i have file name asaf 25.11 and i have a lot of information going into power point. now i make a copy and change the name of the to asaf 30.11.

i need that power point will take the same information from the new file.

if someone have an idea i wii be glad.

Hi, asafraz81!

Consider uploading a sample file (including manual examples of desired output), it'd be very useful for those who read this and might be able to help you. Thank you.

Give a look at the second green sticky post at this forums main page for uploading guidelines.
