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Possible to have values follow days of the week in a monthly column calendar?


New Member

Is it possible to have numbers or alph/num follow the days of the week in an adjustable monthly column calendar? As i change the month the days of the week correspond to the dates of the month. Can i have certain values follow every Monday as i change the month?




can't you just use the Weekday function

=Weekday(Date, [Return Type])

will return a number between 1 and 7 for each day

you can then use that in an If or Choose to do something

How does that function work? Will it change when i change my month in A1?

I found the function in the tabs. Just not sure what to do with it.


Hi Mark ,

Sorry if I can't understand your problem.

The worksheet you have uploaded is having formulae in cells AE2 through AG2 and cells C3 through AG3. If you change the month in cell A1 , the numbers and shortened day names in the above cells will automatically change.

Is there something else that you would like should happen ?

Can you mention the specific cell addresses ?


When I change month the days of the week change automatically. That's perfect. This is an employee assignment schedule. Each day of the week has a predetermined number of hours that use. Such at 80 hours for Monday, 120 hours for Tuesday, 60 hours for Saturday. So these hours would align in a corresponding cell under there respective day of the week. I'd like that predetermined number to follow the day of the week when i change the month. Thanks for trying to understand, Narayan.
