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Please help with the Chart Data Labels alignment


New Member
Hello everyone,

please help with the Chart Data Labels alignment. When I tried to adjust text wrapping in data label with right-click -> Format Data Labels... -> Alignment it became grey (non-active). I mean Autofit and Internal Margin sections.
Unfortunately, you can't manually adjust the size of the default chart labels.

My recommendation would be to either use a hidden dummy series to get your labels where you want them, or use linked text boxes (text boxes have all the formatting options enabled).
Luke M, thanks for the answer.

Linked text boxes aren't suitable because chart with some parameters and idea is auto moving the labels together with changing graph.

I didn't anderstand how the hidden dummies could help, could you please clarify?

And what I completely didn't understand about Data Labels Alignment options is what are these options need for if they are not active? Which conditions should be to activate them?
You can setup a chart and then save it as a Custom Chart Template

All fonts and sizes are saved and applied by doing that
A dummy series would be a fake set of data that you chart on your graph. You would then give it a specific y-value (perhaps the real set of data + 5?), apply linked data labels to "that" series, then format series to no line & no marker.


Hui, thanks for advice, but I can't setup my current chart properly...

Luke M, thanks, now I realised how to use dummies, but it's still not suitable for my current issue.

Please see a screenshot of my problem. I need a labels for charts in one row, but excel wrap it as he like, and I completely don't understand why I can't move the markers as I could do it in the 2003 version. And why alignment options isn't active?

Hmm. Not exactly sure how to solve that issue...

Does the chart really need the numbers? If all the data points in the picture/chart use numbers, what's the point of having the chart?

You could probably just get by with either a bullet chart, or even a small horizontal bullet chart next to the cells.
The chart is the part of a dashboad. And the labels should be on the chart because the source table is hidden. There were no problems when it was static, but now it should be dynamic and text box labels isn't suitable.

What version of Excel are you using ?

as in Excel 2010 the labels automatically scale to accommodate the labels text ?
Thanks, Hui. I'm using Excel-2010. Yes, engine scale labels automatically. But result is not always suitable (please see my screenshot in message above). Regarding this particular case - I've solved it with reducing charts q-ty in the labels and legend showing.

But for future: I still want to know, there is any possibility to correct labels manually? And why alignment settings are not available?
If you select the Data Label

Click inside it and select the Text

Then Ctrl 1

You get some level of editting in here,
Hui, thanks - it's very useful, this font adjustment I could do also at Home section on Ribbon panel.

Question regarding data label alignment setting (please see screenshot): this settings are available at any conditions, or it's just should be hidded by Microsoft, but wasn't in hurry.


Like you I can only assume the functions are either coming or were dropped at the last moment