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Pivot Table


New Member
In the Pivot table data that have I have filtered based on a customer field (Cutomers more than 15), selecting only few customer names (ex=3 names). When the main data is added with new customers info (additonal customers 4 names). when i go to the pivot table and referesh the data the pivot table customer colum is getting added with the additional information and increseing the Customer names to 7. What i need is to get and only see the 3 customer names that i had orginally selected. Can you help.

If youi right click on the Pivot Table and then select Field Settings at the bottom there is a tick box with Include new items in manual filter. If you untick this box you should only show the 3 customer names that you wanted.

The area is grayed and manual filter is ticked. I am unable to untick the box.

I am using a file that was already created by my predecessor which has some macro in it.

I would like to run an additional macro after I finish the original job to get the pivot to the original state.

But i did try with some sample data in a 2007 Excel new sheet it still did not work.

When new values are added in the original data, and pivot refereshed. The pivot is in the orginal state only with the new values added into the pivot dropdown list without the new values selected. With or without the manual filter being ticked.
I am making a pivot table and want to apply multiple formulas to the same data (count, average, standard deviation). I want to show the results in different columns, but Excel only allows me to do it with multiple rows. How can i do this in columns?
Hi Chandoo,

Please help! I need to understand how many risk grades falls under certain exposure ranges.

For example form Raw data I have devised a pivot table which have two columns, Column A contains $ exposure and columns B , C and onwards contains risk grades. The exposure ranges from $0.00 to 160M. I need to know how many times a particular risk grade appear between a certain range. For example how many time risk grade “D42” appears between 0-1M, 1-5M – 5-10M onwards.

Thanks in advance.

You should start a new post for a new question.

Start a new post here: http://chandoo.org/forums/?new=1

For your question:

In your original data I would add another field Grade

and in that apply a formula to assign a value to the field

something like


will assign

0-1 as 1

1-5 as 2

5-10 as 3

10-15 as 4 etc

Then you can use that new field in the pivot table for the classification of your data