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Permanently link formula references to Column Names and not Column Cell Numbers


Please find attached file


I have a formula in which the references are cell numbers. I would like to permanently link the references to column names, so when i add/delete columns the references in the formula will not change.


Excel Dumbo
Excel Dumbo

I'm confused

If you delete column F the formulas automatically adjust themselves

If you add a column next to F the formulas automatically adjust themselves

Can you explain what is happening to require a more complex formula?
hi hui, the table is actually a pivot table. I noticed when i change the pivot table structure, the external calculations go haywire. IF the formula was looking at cell#C2 which has sales dollars, when i restructure the pivot to include additional column, the formula will look at still look at #C2 but this tinme with sales units. I want the formula to permanently look at sales dollars
=IF(INDEX(C6:G6,,MATCH("2012 Actuals Dec'11 to Nov'12",C5:G5,0))=0,"",(INDEX(C6:G6,,MATCH("Revised Quota",C5:G5,0))-INDEX(C6:G6,,MATCH("2012 Actuals Dec'11 to Nov'12",C5:G5,0)))/INDEX(C6:G6,,MATCH("2012 Actuals Dec'11 to Nov'12",C5:G5,0)))

You may have to Change the Column G to suit


=IF(INDEX(C6:Z6,,MATCH("2012 Actuals Dec'11 to Nov'12",C5:Z5,0))=0,"",(INDEX(C6:Z6,,MATCH("Revised Quota",C5:Z5,0))-INDEX(C6:Z6,,MATCH("2012 Actuals Dec'11 to Nov'12",C5:Z5,0)))/INDEX(C6:Z6,,MATCH("2012 Actuals Dec'11 to Nov'12",C5:Z5,0)))
HI Hui, Thanks for your input. I tried the above formuala. It is giving me #NA

please see link below


Here is your file with it working


Note that the ranges have been shortened back to Column G so they don't overlap the results area

Your new file also has a #N/A error in G6 which isn't good