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PDF To Excel Conversion


Hello All,

I need conversion macro from PDF to excel. I have above 200 pages in single PDF package. Manually i can copy that page and paste in excel. but which process will take more time. and such kind of PDF packages need to convert. could anyone give solution for conversion macro to this process.
I have attached the example PDF and output excel.

Note : In my system having Acrobat professional 9.


  • Data Conversion.zip
    96.2 KB · Views: 2
I am not aware of any Macro that can do this

You could try saving it as a Word document and then importing the text/tables from there

I'd also have a look at some of the online free PDF to Excel convertors
you may need to try a few to get one that works on your file

But converting from PDF's to Excel can be a chore at times
Hello Hui.

This is confidential data.can not share in online. could you provide any macros or suggest any portable software(.exe file)

Have you simply tried selecting the data and Copy Ctrl+C
Then in Excel Paste Ctrl+V
In order to use the macro you must enable the Acrobat library from VBA editor:
'Go to Tools -> References -> Adobe Acrobat xx.0 Type Library, where xx depends
'on your Acrobat Professional version (i.e. 9.0 or 10.0) you have installed to your PC.

'Alternatively you can find it Tools -> References -> Browse and check for the path
'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat xx.0\Acrobat\acrobat.tlb
'where xx is your Acrobat version (i.e. 9.0 or 10.0 etc.).


  • Convert PDF Files Into Different Format - Late Binding.xlsm
    27.6 KB · Views: 8
That is a warning message from VBA to tell you that you don't have the correct library installed

Goto VBA Alt+F11
Go to Tools -> References -> Adobe Acrobat xx.0 Type Library, where xx depends on your Acrobat Professional version (i.e. 9.0 or 10.0) you have installed to your PC.

Close the window
Alt+F11 to go back to Excel
Rerun the code

ps: Thanx for the link to the site,
There is some great stuff there
Hello HUI,

In this macro, some numbers not detected (not copied to excel ).
For example, If PDF has R335, excel shows only R3 or 35. and sheets also not matched. and i need to consolidate all the sheets in single sheets.

Here with I have attached the PDF and output excel. kindly give solution.



  • Data Conversion.zip
    96.2 KB · Views: 3
Can you please start by stepping through the macro yourself using the F8 key to run and step through the macro
This way you will see where the macro falls over or misses the number
have excel and vba open next to each other as you do it
Hello Hui,

In this macro, when using F8 key, "Late Binding.xlsm" macro has so many over falls.could you please correct this macro as previous mail.
