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Paste stopped functioning normally in Excel 2007, pastes text only not formulas


New Member
This just started yesterday:

- Copy and paste will only paste text or values.

- Copy a cell containing a formula and paste only allows paste to one cell at a time and only pastes value.

- Paste special menu only displays unicode text and text options instead of the normal paste special menu.

This is all within the same worksheet

I uninstalled Office and reinstalled today. Paste worked normally for a short period and then reverted to the flaky behavior mentioned above.

I am using Excel 2007 (MS Office 2007 Small Business) with Windows XP

I would appreciate any guidance if you have run into this issue previously. Thanks
Hi, davek!

Perhaps you want to read the three green sticky posts at this forums main page so as to know the guidelines that will lead to know how this community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).

About your question, I've just wrote about something alike in this post: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/excel-2003

Please give a look and consider uploading examples and other files as indicated there.

For the first issue, just this: if pasting not all (just formulas, values, ...) the output range isn't formatted as text, is it?

Hi SirJB7,

Thanks for your response. I read the Posting Rules & Etiquette but neglected to read the other 2 green sticky notes and introduce myself. I did search the site a few times to find relevant posts but did not find an answer that specifically solved the problem so I started a new post.

This issue is not with the actual excel file as I am able to open the same files on another PC and everything is fine. Therefore I am not uploading an excel file. I searched for the file you referenced in the linked post above,


and I was unable to locate. I searched my whole c: drive for personal and it does not appear to exist.

In Windows XP I assume this file should be in:

C:Documents and SettingsdkinsellaApplication DataMicrosoftExcelXLSTART

This folder is empty.

I am just trying to paste all (copy, paste or ctr-c, ctrl-v)

The output cells are in general format. This is happening on my pc only. I can open the same spreadsheet on another pc and everything works fine.

Here is a picture of the odd display of the paste special menu


Thanks for any assistance.
Hi, davek!

You did the job perfectly. There's no need to send any sample file from the moment you don't have any auto-start loadable Excel files, it happens only in your PC and even on a blank workbook as in your example.

I'd recommend you to check your PC with an on-line antivirus service (almost all AV websites offer it freely), and if nothing found, then uninstall and reinstall Office package.

I know you did it, well, do it again and pay attention to write down immediate previous tasks or used files or anything related to Excel or Office when it might happens again, so as we have a little more information about the environment.

Other way maybe with remote assistance, but you need to have installed software like LogMeIn or TeamViewer. If you have them or wish to, please let me know, post your e-mail here and I'll contact you to arrange it.

Have you checked copy/paste in other applications? This might not be limited to Excel.

Instead of uninstalling and reinstalling - which might not work, try a system restore. Restore your computer back to a time before all of this started happening. I think a registry key is messed and now windows thinks that anything other than plain text in the clipboard is foreign and wants you to decide on how it should handle it. I had something similar happen when I forced Word - through a VBA script - to convert something it really didn't want to do. And reinstalling Office did not work.

Curious on how this plays out...
Hi Even I am facing the same issue. Tried all the possibilities and I found that in Services.msc the clipboard option will be disabled and with this its dependency Network DDE and its dependence Network DDE DSDM were also disabled if you make them automatic and restart the system it works but only once. Later back to square zero.
Hi, Davek & nishantpinto!

Paraphrasing Pink Floyd, Oh, how I wish you were here... just to get that computers in my hands for a while...

Do you have installed any software for remote assistance like LogMeIn or TeamViewer?

I have a similar problem using Excel 2010. I have been using the copy, and paste formulas with no problems, but now I am not offered the various options for pasting, and can only paste text. I have checked the options, and the 'show paste options' box is ticked. I have also tried creating new simple page with a formula and same applies, I can no longer past a formula. Any solutions would be much appreciated!
This has happened to me a few times

I'd do a re-install of Office

if that doesn't work

Re-install Windows (Full including a Reformat of the hard disk)
Paste Special >> shows different menu in one more case:

If you open two instances of Excel (i.e. If you see 2 EXCEL.EXE in you Windows Task Manager) and then copy from one instance and try to do paste special in another then Paste Special will give you options that you don't expect to see!!
Hi people,

I had the same problem and got sorted with help from http://www.excelbanter.com/showthread.php?t=445723

Basically my Skype "Click to Call" add-on, once uninstalled, cleared up my problem.

Hope this helps

p.s. I did not uninstall the main Skype program.
Found fix on another forum - SKYPE to CALL was the culprit. Uninstall that (not skype), reboot, works fine. Gotta love it!