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number issue


suppose I have a two digit number, eg 86 in A2, How can I insert a symbol between the two digits in B2 . the number will be as follows: 8/6
You can do a Search Replace or Ctrl H

Search for 8

Replace with '8/

If you don't include the ' Excel will interpret 8/6 as a date
Hi ahhhmed,

Assuming that your numbers don't always start with "8", you could use this macro.

(the macro will add a "/" before the last character)

Dim rg As Range
Dim c As Range

Set rg = [A1:A5]  'range containing your values
For Each c In rg
c = "'" & Left(c, 1) & "/" & Right(c, 1)     'for 2 digits numbers
' or
' c = "'" & Left(c, Len(c) - 1) & "/" & Right(c, 1)   ' for x digits numbers
Next c