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No. of days lapsed from a gvien date


It is as simple as =Date2-Date1


A1 has 1/6/2012

A2 has =Today()


= 38 (for today only)

You can also use


Dates are just Integer Numbers which use Day 1 as 1/1/1900

So today 9/7/2012 is day 41099

Dates are only special in that they use a Different Display format than regular numbers
Can you explain why it didn't work and maybe post some data/values or a sample file

Hui's function works as it should, even gives the negative number of days for future days,
I think the reason you only get it to work on one cell is because you have not put
the function in any other cell !!!
Yes, the formula worked as I said,

but it can't be dragged down the column.

considering the example below:

It is as simple as =Date2-Date1


A1 has 1/6/2012

A2 has =Today()


= 38 (for today only)

A1 is different in each row.How to make the formula consider a different A1 and same A2 dates in every row.

Suggest please.


If you use

A1 has 1/6/2012

A2 has =Today()


You can't copy that down, but you can copy it accross

If you want to work with data in columns

A1 has 1/6/2012

B1 has =Today()


then copy down

Your original question never stated you had data in Rows or Columns and so i only gave you an example formula.

You need to adjust it to make it fit
Hi Hui,

I tried your suggestion, the result of the formula displays ########### saying dates and times too large or negative ;

manual calculation says it is only above 90 days i am calculating...... for first cell.

Drop down seems impossible here

suggest if there could be a mistake in format of dates

7/11/2012 minus 12/04/2012

7/11/2012 minus 29/03/2012

Take the above example.


Have you tried DATEDIF() Function?

A1 has 1/Jun/2012

A2 has =Today() or 11/Jul/2012

=DATEDIF(A1,A2,"D") 'for difference in Days
Syntax of the formula

DATEDIF(<Previous Date>,<Later Date>,<"Type of difference">

Type of difference:

If you want to differ in Days then "D"

If you want to differ in Months then "M"

If you want to differ in Year then "Y"

=DATEDIF(A1,A2,"D") 'for difference in Days

Any Question?
ushasri.polavarapu the spread sheet I uploaded uses Hui's formula and is copied down, and works as the spread sheet shows with different dates
Hi, nazmul_muneer, ushasri.polavarapu!

I'd suggest you to not use DATEDIF function with the parameter "M". It has bugs that are not fixed even in 2010 version. Being a useful function it has been so poorly implemented that the last time Microsoft included it in the official documentation was in Excel 2000; after that it disappeared from the scene. The unrecognized bug is the answer.

This issue has been widely analyzed here, give a look at the first link which leads you to the second link where it's discussed and proved working wrong. You'll find there a simple two-pass workaround.


