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Named Range



Suppose In sheet1 A1:A5 are given numbers say 1 to 5 and its named as numbers

What I'm trying to do is in sheet2 I want to write a formula in B2 the value in sheet1 A4 (not the =Sheet1!A4 formula) I want a formula with the named range
=INDEX(Numbers,4) will retrieve the 4th element from the Numbers Named Range
Thanks Hui... That worked well but I thought I could use it with the previous post of mine but it didn't work with that.... Hope U remember my last post.... What I'm trying to do is that

Sheet1 contains the database and move the entire column E to sheet 2

pls help me
Did you read my new post to that question?

This technique will sum the numbers but won't display them in order

Can you post your data somewhere with a description of what your trying to do?
Hello Hui

I tried your post to my 1st question and tried it just now which was successful.... thank you... what I want to do now is to take the whole column E to a new sheet and leave the other sheet as it is... The idea is that in a list of inventory items, only the items I mark with an "X" will be seen on the next sheet for printing purposes.. or viewing purposes... What I was trying was naming column A and Column G and use it in the same formula u gave on column E which is now the other sheet... Hope u'll understand :)
Hello Again Hui

I've Changed The formula and have got nearly to what I was thinking... But still need help.... Here's the formula I used in the next sheet


Now the problem is that in the column E, All the "Should Be Blanks" cells are showing #NUM! Error...

Another problem, well not actually a problem as long as it works fine, but i want to change all the "Sheet3!$A2:$A50" to a named range.

Thank you for your help
hello again

The #NUM! Error has been fixed... mistakenly I wrote $B$50 instead of $B$2 (=IF(ROW(Sheet3!$A2:$A50)-ROW(Sheet3!$B$50)

Anyways than you very much... If you have time suggest me what to do for the named range problem..
