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Move items matching certain filter criteria to another sheet

In sheet1(column f) i have two filter criteria X/Y.

I want all data filtered with Y criteria to another sheet2.

and all data filtered with X criteria to another sheet3.

How to do that? possible with formula or macro?


Hi Pragnesh ,

You can do this without both.

As long as you have a filter in place , once you filter your data based on criteria X , copy the resulting range to sheet3 ; only that data which meets criteria X will be copied. Do the same filtering your data on criteria Y.

Hi Narayan,

yes ....you are right.

But if i have 14 criteria to filter it takes more time compared to macro button.

So i would be thinking of macro so that all data matching 14 criteria comes in 14 sheets.


Hi Pragnesh ,

How will you specify the criteria then ?

If you have 14 criteria , say from criteria A through criteria N , you wish to apply them one at a time , copy the resulting data to one sheet , remove criteria A and apply criteria B , copy the resulting data to a second sheet , and so on.

Hi Narayan,

I have data base of around 30 country.

In which various information regarding products, Brand, owner and other information is given for each country.

I am filtering on each country and copying and pasting it in new sheet for each country on daily basis.

I want to save my time because part of the day finished in compiling the files only.

Is this can done with pivot table something? which reduce my time.


Have a read of:


That will do mostly what you want with minor modification
Hi Hui/Narayan,

I got the macro from the above link.

I need following updation in that macro.

1. Output should come in the new sheet instead on new Book.

Sub breakMyList()

' This macro takes values in the range myList

' and breaks it in to multiple lists

' and saves them to separate files.

Dim cell As Range

Dim curPath As String

curPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & ""

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

For Each cell In Range("lstSalesman")

[valSalesman] = cell.Value

On Error Resume Next

Range("myList").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _

criteriarange:=Range("Criteria"), copyToRange:=Range("Extract"), unique:=False

Range(Range("Extract"), Range("Extract").End(xlDown)).Copy



ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=curPath & cell.Value & Format(Now, "dmmmyyyy-hhmmss") & ".xlsx", _

FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False


Range(Range("Extract"), Range("Extract").End(xlDown)).ClearContents

Next cell

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

Could you update accordingly? as i am not conversant with VBA.

