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minus versus equals minus


New Member

I did not know what to use as a title, so I used what I tried to google....

This is my first Chandoo.org post (even though I have been a frequent vistor for a couple of years), and if I am not making sense let me know!

I have a sheet with some numbers in column R. If I reference these numbers by typing -R3, instead of the output being -6 (if 6 was the number in cell R3), my output is -3.

Using =-R3 gives the correct answer. This happens irrespective of whether the column is formatted as currency or numbers.

I am using excel 2003 at work, after loving 2010 at my previous employer

Could this be because I often use currency R (South African Rands)?.

It is not a big problem, and easy to circumvent, but I am just interested.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

I'm not really sure what your asking, but

Always start formulas with an = sign

If you enter =-R3 you will get the negative value of cells R3

so If R3 has 6 you will get -6, If R3 has -4 you will get 4.

Don't use R as Rand in the values in a Cell

You can display values as R 123.4 using Custom Number Formats

Type Custom Number Formats into the Google Search Box at the Top of this page
Hi Hui

Thank you for your reply.

It does not really answer my query, but I was obviously not very clear.

Why is there a difference between =-R3 and -R3?

How are you entering formulas, when I type -R3 excel converts it to =-R3
I usually type it as =-R3.

Sometimes (when I am in a hurry, and only want to make a quick calculation without needing to setup a sheet for future use) I type -R3.

If I reference another column (eg -S3) I do not have the problem (excel changes the formula to =-S3), it is only (as far as I am aware, I have not tested it for all of the colums) when referencing column R
I can't replicate what your seeing

Excel does keep R and C as special characters when using RC Formula Formats, But I assume your not using that format

I would just start your formulas with an = or a + instead
Hi ,

I tried out what you posted , by changing my Regional settings to Afrikaans , upon which my currency symbol changed to R ( for Rand ).

Thereafter , if I enter -R3 , it becomes -3 ; this is displayed as -3 if the cell format is General , and is displayed as R -3 if the cell format is Currency.

Only if I enter =-R3 does Excel take the formula as a reference to cell R3.

I think the reason for this behaviour is that your currency symbol is R.

Thank you, I will be more careful when using formulae without starting with =.

It is easy to circumvent, I was just interested in the possible reason.

I checked, I cannot recreate the problem when trying to duplicate in column C - so it cannot be that. Excel still auto corrects in column C