B bfraser Member Sep 16, 2011 #1 I want to add a cell w/shape and a macro assigned, that will move a chart from one ws to another. I tried recording the macro but that only works once then.... errors.
I want to add a cell w/shape and a macro assigned, that will move a chart from one ws to another. I tried recording the macro but that only works once then.... errors.
Hui Excel Ninja Staff member Sep 16, 2011 #2 It could be as simple as [pre] Code: Sub Move_Chart() ActiveChart.Parent.Cut Sheets("Sheet2").Select ActiveSheet.Paste End Sub [/pre] You have to have a chart selected on the active sheet Then run the code Why not post your code so we can advise?
It could be as simple as [pre] Code: Sub Move_Chart() ActiveChart.Parent.Cut Sheets("Sheet2").Select ActiveSheet.Paste End Sub [/pre] You have to have a chart selected on the active sheet Then run the code Why not post your code so we can advise?
B bfraser Member Sep 16, 2011 #3 ub MoveChart14() ' ' MoveChart14 Macro ' ' Sheets("Comp %").Select ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 14").Activate ActiveChart.PlotArea.Select ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="CONV SCHEDULE" End Sub
ub MoveChart14() ' ' MoveChart14 Macro ' ' Sheets("Comp %").Select ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 14").Activate ActiveChart.PlotArea.Select ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="CONV SCHEDULE" End Sub
B bfraser Member Sep 16, 2011 #4 Sheets("Comp %").ChartObjects("Chart 7").Activate ActiveChart.ChartArea.Copy Sheets("CONV SCHEDULE").Select Range("C7").Select Sheets("CONV SCHEDULE").Paste End Sub This works for copying and pasting "Chart 7" to ws "CONV SCHEDULE". Working on cut the pasted chart next.
Sheets("Comp %").ChartObjects("Chart 7").Activate ActiveChart.ChartArea.Copy Sheets("CONV SCHEDULE").Select Range("C7").Select Sheets("CONV SCHEDULE").Paste End Sub This works for copying and pasting "Chart 7" to ws "CONV SCHEDULE". Working on cut the pasted chart next.