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Is it possible to format A1 red if A300 is shaded red?


New Member
I'm trying to highlight the top of a schedule when a red cell at the bottom of the spreadsheet turns red.

You can't directly get the color of a cell without using a UDF

But you can use conditional formatting based on some other factor like a value in A300 or another cell is at a certain value, which can be used to trigger the CF

Can you explain further what is happening or post a file for us to review what is going on?
The link below is a adjustable monthly schedule for employees.

C74:AG76 are my missing assignments for any given day. When this missing assignment for any given day of the week reaches a threshold it turns red. (Keep in mind that this schedule changes as i adjust A1)----I would like the corrisponding day of the week C3:CAG to turn red when one or more of the bottom of the schdule missing assingments turns red. Basically, a second alert at the top where i can see it better.


I'm not sure what UDF is. Maybe that would help.

Thanks for your help.

UDF is short for User Defined Function or a VBA Subroutine

Using UDF's you can make your own functions , for example a function that returns the cell color as a value. That could then be used in a formula or a CF

For your problem why not just use a CF with a similar formula in Row 3 to the formulas in rows 74:76?
Unless there's an easy way to copy and paste just the CF, I have 21 seperate entries for each day of the month. It's based on the day of the month and the threshold set for each day.