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Int() formula not giving correct answer.Showing Int(9) = 8

Hi Harshawardhan,

Can you paste the formula bar screen shot. I think the value in column C is 8.9 or something near to it, which got rounded to 9. But for excel it is still 8.... so int is returning 8.

Select C92
Keep Increasing the decimals
What number do you eventually see?
is C92, input or a calculated result? If calculated what are the inputs and formula that give the resulting 9

As a new user you might want (I'd say should and must) read this:

And regarding your issue, try this:
E2: =INT(ROUND(C2,1))
F2: =C2
format E:F as General.

If you see what you expect in column E, then follow Hui's advice and increment the decimal positions of column C; if not, then post the file, not a snapshot, with the above formulas for columns E:F.
