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In a Rush Sorry If Asked B4


New Member
I have a sales list from a client and they listed (for example) Walmart with 7 different names or something else text wise in the cell. How do I write a formula that grabs out Walmart, Target, (the ones I want will use other for the rest) and gets rid of the unwanted letters so they can be grouped by customer? Thanks and glad I found this site it seems like a great group with great tips!

I know I could do If(Find( and do a ton of Finds within that if statement, but I was wondering if there's an easier way.
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This forum operates 24/7 with members in countries all around the world, a question may be answered by someone and then go quite, there are many reasons for this as members have many things to do outside of the Forum, eat, sleep, work, hobbies, family the list goes on and on. A reply and answer may be urgent and important to you but not to the members. You may be in a Rush, the members are not. If you need help so badly pay a consultant.

Please read:-



We were just talking about the same issue on another forum yesterday. Basically create a table with all the stores you are looking for and leverage off that list.


There are 3 solutions to your problem there. 2 vba and 1 non vba. It should be what you are looking for. If not upload a sample file with before and after examples of what you are after.

Take care

@bobhc My point was not that I'm in a rush so all you should answer my question this very second. Considering you are a staff member, you should probably cut somebody posting for their first time a little bit of slack instead of being extremely rude. If this was a real job and you treated a customer that way .... It's no big deal, but calm down the rush was just saying I didn't have a chance to search long enough. Sometimes the keywords don't pop up in the title and when you're busy spending hours searching is harder than just asking. Thanks alot Smallman, I appreciate your respect and not getting frustrated. If its SUCH a HUGE deal @bobhc you can go ahead and delete this thread now. I understand why you may have read it the way you did, but it still doesn't mean you need to respond like that.

Smallman Thanks for the warm welcome, I may not have been back if you hadn't posted.

No worries I hope it helps. Bob is a nice guy. He gives his time freely on the forum, people who help share their knowledge tend to be kind hearted.

I have been guilty of delivering some very sharp comments at times. So I can see it from Bob's side too. What I need to do is to go to a PHP or Perl website and have the back side torn from me by a guru. I would probably see it a bit more from the posters side. Actually might do that now...

Chandoo is a very active forum with a lot of knowledge to draw from. You are most welcome any time and please feel free to draw on this human knowledge base when ever.

Take it easy

The "Staff" title is a misnomer placed on the Excel Ninja's by the system, The Excel Ninja's are not staff, not paid and not remunerated in any form.
I refer you to: http://chandoo.org/forum/link-forums/chandoo-org-ninjas.19/

In regards to your post's Title, I don't know how else, except that "You are in a Rush" that anybody would interprete your Subject Title of "In a Rush Sorry If Asked B4"
I specifically refer you to: http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/new-users-please-read.294/
Never title your posts as "Urgent", "Priority" "Immediate". It may be Important to you, but not for rest of the members here. These words will be moderated out.

We get between 30 and 50 new posts per day.
We have 6 Excel Ninja's, who you now know are voluntary.
There are lots of consultants you can pay to deliver a product by a deadline, but this site isn't one of them

I will guarantee you that posting a question with a Descriptive Title would have got you a response to your question, because:
1. People ignore pushy posts
2. People look for subject lines that they have expertise in and focus on them
I would have suggested "How to filter a list"

In regards to your question:

You could change the data to a data table and apply a Filter
Or using formula use a technique like that shown here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/11/18/formula-forensics-003/
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Welcome to Chandoo.org forum.

Please note that everyone here is trying to help you. That said, none of us are obligated to help you. So please be nice and ask gently. You may be in a rush, but practically no one on internet cares about that.

Regarding your question, you can set up a mapping table with all possible spellings of Walmart and use that to count (or sum).

If you are dealing with spelling mistakes, try fuzzy match function.

Hi GP, would like to add 2 things. Hope you will not mind.

1) It really helps to be gentle irrespective of "Considering you are a staff member".

2) This Forum is a really nice place to be if you want to learn new things.

Hope you will keep posting. Have a nice day ahead. :)
It was my first post I made that very clear I made a mistake, that being said, I did not expect any of you to rush to my aid my whole point was I didn't have time to search more than I already had. I just would have appreciated being told respectfully, I would understand the frustration if I constantly made the same mistake... It's all good and I meant no disrespect besides to acknowledge that I felt that was an unfair response and jumped to conclusions. This is why forums bug me people make obnoxious unecessary posts when the point has been made and is understood
Hi Purna ,

This is just my personal opinion , which I have aired in my posts earlier :

1. No question is personally addressed to anyone , unless that person's name is mentioned anywhere in the post.

2. If I wish not to answer a question , no one can force me to.

3. If I wish to answer a question, any question even if it is titled URGENT .... , no one can prevent me from doing so.

Given the above , my personal opinion is that we should restrict ourselves to answering questions , period.

Any other communication can easily be made into a private conversation , since this is a facility which was not available in the previous platform , but which is available now. This will prevent any feathers being ruffled.

people make obnoxious unecessary posts

True, very true, just a pity peoples arrogance and bad manners does not let them recognise there obnoxious ways !!

you can go ahead and delete this thread now
should be read as "I have what I want so I do not care for the use of this thread......talk about being obnoxious.

Hi, Giantpegasus!

I want to have dinner at a restaurant, I take all the required time to choose one using many criteria (food type, quality, reputation, zone, parking, all that I consider properly), I make a reservation, I go there, I enter, I inform about my reservation, I take a table, I choose the menu, I place the order, I dinner, I ask the waiter to bring me the bill, I check it to be Ok, I give him my credit card while say "Do you accept Mastercard, don't you? I'm in a rush, so sorry if I should have asked before" He embarrassingly uncomfortable says "I apologize, sir, but we only accept AmEx and Visa as stated at the entrance and at our website".

A basic principle of any law system anywhere says that no one can neither allege nor claim ignorance of any law or other legal disposition. That means, rules rule. Here the rules are these:
Call it our Constitution if you want. Within it, and specifically here:
it says, just for quoting a couple of guidelines:
Please take a few minutes to read this list of Rules, Procedures and Etiquette's for posting on the Chandoo.org Forums.
Use Relevant words in the Title and in the tag Box, This will aid future searches.
Never title your posts as "Urgent", "Priority" "Immediate". It may be Important to you, but not for rest of the members here. These words will be moderated out.
Quickly search the Web and Chandoo.org for help before posting. It is quite possible that your problem has been solved by someone else.

In the 1st case probably "I" initially would think that I acted correctly but being reasonable I should realize that I didn't acted correctly. Sooner or later, if not immediately, but I definitively should.

In the 2nd case only my 2 year old nephew would think it. In fact neither him, but only his 1 year old little brother.

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RE: "This is why forums bug me "

GP, we cannot see your face, read your body language, etc
We are totally reliant on your Words "In a Rush Sorry If Asked B4"

This tells me a few things
1. This is urgent for you
2. You haven't searched for an answer
3. You haven't read the rules about using a Good Title, All forums ask this of people
4. You are desperate for an answer as you weren't a regular user, it was your first post here.

Finally I gave you two answers in my response #6 above and you haven't bothered to comment on them ?

Maybe I should be saying "This is why forums bug me"