Hi, Divelonger!
I have several comments about the formula in sheet Form cell G24, as follows:
a) the formula displays the apparently -for me- correct value of 112, Data!U4=1, M24>100 (112), so I don't see where's the issue... if it displays a wrong value, let's analyze in detail the formula at b) and c)
b) IF instructions have the structure (test_condition, value_true, value_false)
c) as far as I can see you have:
1) test_condition: AND(INDIRECT("Data!U" &RowIndex)=1)*(M24>100)
AND instructions have the structure (test_value1, test_value2, ...) but here we only have one argument, not two or more
2) value_true: M24, in this case 112
3) value_false: (IF(AND(INDIRECT("Data!U" &,RowIndex)=2)*(M24>,140),M24,""))
Same considerations as previous.
So, going straight to the point and not guessing what should the formula is supposed to do, please explain how do you want to perform the calculations so as to try aiding you with the correct formula,