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Identifying MAX and MIN values for a specifiied range of rows


New Member

I am working on some technical analysis for share price data and would be very grateful for a solution to a problem I have.

My raw data is a download of two-weeks of daily data which contains a row for each minute of the day, so lots of data! Each row displays the following information:

Column A: Date and time (in the format dd:mm:yyyy hr:mm). There is a row for every minute from 0800hrs to 1630hrs

Column B: Open Price

Column C: High Price

Column D: Low Price

Column E: Close Price

In my analysis I want to identify the highest price recorded during a range of times. E.g. the highest price between 1000 hrs and 1500 hrs on a particular day. I also want to know the lowest price.

I am familiar with using Max and Min formulas. I have also tried the following formula:



A2:A10000 is where the raw data is stored for the date and time

H2 is a cell containing the start time of my choice, e.g. 01/08/2011 10:00

I2 is a cell containing the end time of my choice, e.g. 01/08/2011 15:00

C2:C10000 is the range of cells containing "High Price" data

The problem with the formula is that it returns a result of "0" because the IF and AND functions are not met as my raw data spans across multiple days.

I am now stuck and would be very happy if someone has a solution please!

Thank you


=MAX((A2:A100>=H2)*(A2:A100<=I2)*B2:B100) Ctrl Shift Enter

or a normal



=MIN(IF(A2:A100>=H2,IF(B2:B100<=I2,C2:C100))) Ctrl Shift Enter
They all work perfectly, thank you so much Hui!... and I really appreciate the prompt answer.
