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I want a macro which can copy data from one sheet and paste in in another sheet

I need help with a macro which can copy data from one sheet and paste in in another sheet in the next available cell. After doing this it should clear the contents from the source sheet so that it is fresh and ready to be used again.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

You may want to consider pasting a sample file so we can see the format and assist you better

Refer the Sticky green posts on the main forum page
Import this macro in your file

Link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99GFZ7xTm-gNlBmRFUyVGJmM1U/edit
Hi V4Wade,

I can bet that the macro is working fine.. but it will be great pleasure if you can give pemission to all to view / download the sheet.. :)




for posting any file you can go for below sites also..

you can use the below sytax also for display properly your post..

a blockquote code em strong ul ol li.
You can also put code in between backtick (Just below ESC) characters.
Updated the link & it is downloadable now.

Link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B99GFZ7xTm-gNlBmRFUyVGJmM1U/edit