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how to show as a hyperlink


New Member
Hi :)

the http:// shows as normal text.How to I show http:/www.xxxxx.org as like a Hyperlink in given below:

Vgl. World Trade Organization, Economic, 2006, S.4: http://www.wto.org.

Vgl. World Trade Organization, Economic,S.4: http://www.wto.org.

Vgl. World Trade Organization, Economic, 2006, S.4: http://www.wto.org.



You can't have the text and hyperlink together in 1 cell

You can have the text "Vgl. World Trade Organization, Economic, 2006, S.4:"

and Hyper link http://www.wto.org.in the cell next to it
Good day ashokreju

If you go to insert, hyperlink and in the window that opens type your data at the

hyperlink will appear in the cell you had selected
In excel if you type a Web address into a cell Excel will recognise it as a Web Address and automatically make it a hyper link

eg: type:


into a cell

Or you can force a web address using a formula like:

Hi Hui

sorry to ask again! I had placed the text but http:// shows like normal text. kindly could you give suggestion

1. Vgl. Andersen, P/ Gudmundsson, M., Inflation, 1998, S.9: http://www.sedlabanki.is.

the total text in single column


Goto a new cell and just type Http://www.sedlabanki.is

Make sure there are no leading spaces or no leading or trailing " 's

Also What version of Excel are you using ?

If that doesn't work can you post your file here, refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
The only way to get it all in one cell is to type it and Excel will automatically format the whole text as an hyperlink.

If you then wish to remove the underline along the whole text, select the cell and click the UNDERLINE icon to remove.

Now if you want to format the colour of the text, again select the cell, then in the formula bar select ONLY the text you wish to colour black and apply it from the format selector.

Note that the whole cell is an hyperlink