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How to include text as a true value alongside other data in a nested IF


New Member


What I would like to accomplish is displaying a Word or some variable characters along side the random numerical number chosen in B7.

For Example:

If A7<19 display 'Single' and the random number between 1-19

If A7>18 But <37 display 'Double' and the random number between 20-91

If A7>36 display 'Triple' and the random number between 92-215.
After the random number:


Before the random number:


I used =IF(A7<19,"Singles --- "&RANDBETWEEN(1,19),IF(AND(A7>18,A9<37),"Doubles --- "&RANDBETWEEN(20,91),IF(A7>36,"Triples --- "&RANDBETWEEN(92,215),"")))

Sometimes when I recalculate (F9 in 2003, autocalculation is turned off). I get a blank or null value from the function in column B. It appears to only happen when The Value is >18 or <37.

Any suggestions?

Shouldn't your formula be:

=IF(A7<19,"Singles --- "&RANDBETWEEN(1,19),IF(AND(A7>18,A7<37),"Doubles --- "&RANDBETWEEN(20,91),IF(A7>36,"Triples --- "&RANDBETWEEN(92,215),"")))