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how to get profit as per fifo method?


i want to put a formula in attached file for calculation of profit as per First in First out method...(FIFO) method...

if is there any vba module you can provide me then also i can manage that one...

any one can help me...?

my sample query data and expected output (profit) manually done in attached sheet....

any help will much appreciated....



CA Mahaveer Somani

Can you please explain how you arrived at $2000 profit?
Hi mahaveer

Looking at your spreadsheet, should your profit not be $2,050.00? Perhaps I have missed something also Hui?


22/04/2012 20 @ $350 = $7,000

Cost of product:

01/04/2012 10 @ $250 = $2,500

20/04/2012 10 @ $300 = $3,000


Profit for transaction $1,500


27/04/2012 15 @ $250 = $3,750

Cost of product:

20/04/2012 2 @ $300 = $ 600

25/04/2012 13 @ $200 = $2,600


Profit for transaction $ 550

Therefore $1,500 + $550 = $2,050

Unfortunately, I do not possess the Excel awesomeness required to solve this problem. I have often tried to solve a similar problem in relation to trust distributions/ taxable income/ tax payable efficiency.

So I will be very interested in any solution that maybe offered



If the answer should be $1,850 which is the profit up to and including the last sale

use: =SUMPRODUCT((A$3:A6<=MAX($F$3:$F6))*(E$3:E6)-(F$3:F6<=MAX($F$3:$F6))*(I$3:I6))

Otherwise Please explain how to get to $2,000
Hi Mahaveer ,

If you don't mind using VBA , try this :

Public Sub Calculate_FIFO_Profit()
Dim Purchase_Qty As Variant, Purchase_Rate As Variant, Selling_Qty As Variant, Selling_Rate As Variant
Dim Counter As Integer

'          Purchase_Qty is a named range referring to =Sheet2!$C$3:INDEX(Sheet2!$C:$C,COUNTA(Sheet2!$C:$C)+1)
'          Purchase_Rate is a named range referring to =Sheet2!$D$3:INDEX(Sheet2!$D:$D,COUNTA(Sheet2!$D:$D)+1)
'          Selling_Qty is a named range referring to =Sheet2!$G$3:INDEX(Sheet2!$G:$G,COUNTA(Sheet2!$G:$G)+1)
'          Selling_Rate is a named range referring to =Sheet2!$H$3:INDEX(Sheet2!$H:$H,COUNTA(Sheet2!$H:$H)+1)

Purchase_Qty = Range("Purchase_Qty").Value
Purchase_Rate = Range("Purchase_Rate").Value
Selling_Qty = Range("Selling_Qty").Value
Selling_Rate = Range("Selling_Rate").Value

Counter = 1
i = LBound(Selling_Qty, 1)
Sell_Qty = Selling_Qty(i, 1)
Pur_Qty = Purchase_Qty(Counter, 1)
If Sell_Qty > Pur_Qty Then
Profit = Profit + (Selling_Rate(i, 1) - Purchase_Rate(Counter, 1)) * Pur_Qty
Sell_Qty = Sell_Qty - Pur_Qty
Counter = Counter + 1
Pur_Qty = Purchase_Qty(Counter, 1)
Profit = Profit + (Selling_Rate(i, 1) - Purchase_Rate(Counter, 1)) * Sell_Qty
Pur_Qty = Pur_Qty - Sell_Qty
i = i + 1
If i > UBound(Selling_Qty, 1) Then Exit Do
Sell_Qty = Selling_Qty(i, 1)
End If
MsgBox Profit
End Sub
Please note that there is no date checking to see whether the quantity sold as on any date is actually less than or equal to the total quantity purchased till that date.

Cross post:


Please provide cross posting reference while doing so!
thank you very much narayank....

really awesome vba code...........

much much thanks dear.......its really useful for me......
@ Hui,

I M really so sorry sir, actually answer will be 2050...i had mistake in manual totaling....but here all are excel experts....they can read from my brain..what i want....

so thanks to all experts...and thanks faseeh.......

and again sorry to @hui.....


CA Mahaveer Somani