Hi excel gurus. I want a formula to help me have numbers starting with 0 along rows and columns. Please see the attached excel sheet. The ROW(A1) or COLUMN(A1) is ok but I cannot get it to start with 0. I will appreciate your help.
Thanks a lot. I had just discovered the formula.Try to use :
copied down or copied across right in generate numbers 0,1,2,3..........
Thanks Ninja. ROW(A1)-1 works quite well. Your suggestion will help me when I do not need to include the numbers in a formula.Ufoo
Without any formulas ...
Write to left-top-corner number 0 and one cell right side 1 >> select those cells and pull from right bottom corner as far as You needs.
Write (if needs) to left-top-corner number 0 and one cell below 1 >> select those cells and pull from right bottom corner as far as You needs.