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how to count country with a figure?


I have a thousands of rows and only 2 columns of data. Column A: Country names. Column B: dollar figures. Some cells in column B is blank.

I want to make a summary table showing that Germany has 30 rows of data but only 20 cells with $.

The answer should be

Germany in cell A2000 and the number "20" in cell B2000. how do it count in such a way that it omit blank cells? By the way, "Germany" appears separately in rows 1 to 1600. they are not next to one another.
To Count cells with Germany: =COUNTIF(A2:A2000,"Germany")

To Count cells with a value and Germany: =SUMPRODUCT((A2:A2000="Germany")*(B2:B2000>0))

To Count cells without a value and Germany: =SUMPRODUCT((A2:A2000="Germany")*(B2:B2000=""))
WOW. I knew it should be sumproduct. But I didn't know you can use sumproduct this way. what i have learnt, from the old day, that sumproduct was just two series of numbers.

Thank you, Master Hui.
