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How should i monitor the progress of a site in excel


New Member
I am a construction engineer and i think to visually record progress thematic charts might be a good idea. The monitoring part includes major activities like excavation concreting etc and I want to show them on the map + carry out some insightful informations.Is it possible in excel or shoul I use some other software.



There are lots of ways of doing what you are proposing in Excel

For a start, have a look at Chandoo's Project Management templates and examples: http://chandoo.org/wp/project-management/
Dear Hui...vow i never thought you would step in but anyways....I have allready gone through chandoos PM posts but What I want is somehting like this http://www.begraphic.com/create-custom-map-add-in-excel-and-powerpoint

Rather than making it a gantt chart it should just be a visual thing which might be done by using conditional formatting in autoshapes however VBA is not my forte and thus I am looking for some add ins or a turn around....

You can do all of what is that link with Excel

It will require VBA, but isn't overly complex.

Do you have a set of data and an idea of what you want to do that you can share with us.

Have you had a look through any of the charts at Excelhero.com



Scroll down to a list of all the example charts
I have been to Daniells site but then No VBA section i get panicstruck for now...At excel charts i read an article http://www.excelcharts.com/blog/how-to-create-thematic-map-excel/

but it wasnt exactly replicated in 2007..

However regarding what exactly I want is a Visually effective Site progress Monitoring system which can incorporate Filters and Other dashboard features wrt a site map (How to make an autocad map on excel might be a problem but i guess making autoshapes above the imported pics might help).

This url might give some more insite abput the matter at hand: http://i52.tinypic.com/2wel16s.jpg


This will require a bit of work in VBA to develop such a system

You should be able to get the shapes of your CAD people for the various components or re-draw them

I would suggest you should email

Chandoo directly at http://chandoo.org/wp/about/ or

Daniel at ExcelHero.com http://www.excelhero.com/contact/contact.html

and ask for consulting rates to develop such a system to do what you want.

It is bigger than a simple answer in this post
Thanks for the help Hui....however Consulting would be way to much to ask for the company at my level and I would try to understands the simple VBA you told about doing what is mentioned here http://www.begraphic.com/create-custom-map-add-in-excel-and-powerpoint

Menitoning any further resources to read from would be great help...

