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Hiding Null Time Value

Suppose the value in the cell A1 is 0:00, it should be hidden. If the value is 15:30, it should not be hidden.

You could use Conditional Formatting to accomplish this.

For cells having value Less Than or equal to 0, format as White Text

use the cell custom format

Ctrl F1 custom

hh mm;;

don't use conditional formatting
Try what Hui has suggested and it will work as breeze...

1. Select your cells where this needs to be applied

2. Press CTRL+F1 - OR - Right click and select Format Cells

3. Click on the Number Tab

4. Click on Custom

5. on the right hand side; under the Type BOX...

6. put this h:mm:ss;;

7. Click OK

8. Be happy

Yes, It is working. But I don't know that why it is not working my own project creation.

Really Thanks for your help.
Actually I sum up the time taken on certain activities based on certain conditions. So, the resultant area does not accept the above options.

I have tried to replicate what you have suggested above and the formatting still works.

Here is what i did.


1 04:30 05:20 =sum(A1,B1)

2 00:00 00:00 =sum(a2,b2)

then i applied the cell format to C1:C2

Is this what you need?

It is working. But my formula contains like this as per your example.


1 04:30 05:20 = text(sum(A1,B1),"h:mm")

2 00:00 00:00 = text(sum(A2,B2),"h:mm")

If you do as I suggested which was set the number format to

and use =sum(A1,B1)

where A1=12:00 and B1=12:00

Even though the answer may display as 0:00:00 it is actually 24:00:00 internally

If you use =A1-B1

where A1=12:00 and B1=12:00

Then the number format hh mm;; works perfectly

Another comment

Why use Sum(A1, B1) a simple A1+B1 works just the same