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Hiding lines using Excel Tick boxes


New Member

I am playing about with Excel to do all sorts of things, and have found tons of ideas from this site - great work.

One thing I am trying to work on is a 'Tick List'. I have no problems with creating the tick list and hiding rows depending on values. However, I want it to be mouse controlled, thus using the Tick Box controls. I put the tick box 'in' a cell, and can hide the row depending on the value of the tick box - but the box stays around and is thus misaligned. Does anyone know a quick way of hiding a tick box when the row is hidden?



Not sure if the below is Excel version dependant or not, but..

Right Click on the tick box, select 'Format Control' at the bottom of the mouse menu.

In the popup wizard go to the 'Properties' tab and select the 'Move and Size with cells' radio button.

I tested this manually [not programatically] in Excel 2007.

You can select whether or not you want to have the control visible in printed output in this pane also.

Hope this helps.

The 'move and size with cells is greyed out - because I was using the form controls check box. If I use an active X then it hides with the cells. Excellent - that should work.



Can you be more specific about what you did and what you were trying to get ?
Hi Hui,

I inserted a tick box in one of teh cell and then tried Hiding lines using Excel Tick boxes by the method suggested by Justin.

After inserting a tick box I did right click to use format control, but this option didn't come at all
I am unsure what lines you are referring to?

We should also try and use proper object names as that eliminates confusion

I assume you are talking about Form Check Boxes or Active X Check Boxes?

Can you please elaborate ?
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I am really sorry... I am talking about normal form check boxes... Suppose I have option to select rows .. As soon as we insert tick box in any row, it should hide that row

For e.g

I have check box options for all rows. And as soon as I select any row by putting check box, it should get hided
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Hi, Manish!

Additionally to what stated in b(ut)ob(ut)hc's post, I'd suggest you to define a shortcut (command button, check box, radio button, ...) to re-establish the hidden rows to be displayed again.
