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Help visualizing relationships between brands


New Member
I work in marketing we frequently show how many buyers of one brand also purchase another brand, and vice versa. E.g. you might have 4 brands (generally 15-20 though), Brands A, B, C, and D:

Brand A: 80% of buyers purchase brand B, 60% purchase C, 10% purchase D
Brand B: 70% purchase A, 50% C, 5% D
Brand C: 50% A, 50% B, 5% D
Brand D: 15% A, 10% B, 5% C

I.e. A and B have a lot of crossover between each other, C has a decent amount with A and B, but very few buyers purchase D alongside other brands.

I'm trying to find a unique way to show this type of data. A couple of sources of inspiration could be this, where the stronger the relationship between brands the more "links" go across the circle, or this, the same circular structure but the connection "strength" would need to vary based on the amount of consumer cross purchasing.

I know that's rather specific but I use this data all the time (and Chandoo created a brilliant chart for me a few years ago that went over extremely well) - so thought I'd see if anyone has ideas.

What about a simple 2D Grid of values that you listed above
Then apply a Conditional Format
Yep those definitely work - conditional formatting is my go-to for these at the moment. Just thought maybe I could get fancy with it :) - people have seen these tables replicated over and over, so I was trying to think creatively about a visual that might turn some heads.