Hi, salgal8!
So you're like b(ut)ob(ut)hc who was first called "old dog" and then after a short time here become "old dog new tricked", you're both "viejos" (old people, aka ancients or elderly), not like me that I'm just a kid whose arrival in this world was celebrated with the Mercedes Benz W110 announcement.
I'm wondering if I should order two sticks instead of one...
Regarding file upload this site doesn't provide such features so you'd proceed as you should have read in the green sticky posts, which I discard you've gone thru, am I wrong? Of course you could post your email here but be aware that it'd be publicly available, malhereusement there's neither a private message system feature.
BTW it's a nice gesture asking if you could give out your email address, I appreciate, sometimes we're asked to post ours and it sounds rude having to say no, here's my policy, I hope you'll understand:
And about the date formats I wasn't sure if in my original file I formatted them as my default regional configuration settings dd/mm/yyyy (everywhere except in the 15 cell groups) but I explicitly formatted them as your (supposed) mm/dd/yyyy format. And for the 15s I used a format like "mm/dd Xh", where X is the no. of hours taken.
PS: BTW, I'm now intrigued about that picture... isn't it a daguerreotype, is it?