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Having a form that I can use multiple times for different people


New Member
Hi, I'm not very tech smart.. so don't know the proper words for what I want to say. I will try to describe this as best as I can. I will try to upload the forms that I am trying to work with. I made one spreadsheet that has the names of the people who took the orders of the products and the amounts that they ordered. The name of the "School" and their "packing #". The total they sold and the total packed including their free one, if they earned one. That spreadsheet, I don't have a problem with. The form I have a problem with, is the packing form. I would like all of that information to automatically go from the spreadsheet onto the packing sheet. But I can not figure out an easy way to do it. I did the first two. But I did them cell by cell. Sometimes I have 100+ names to enter and I am sure there must be an easier way to do this. Please Help!!! Thank you..Deb I hope that link works?!


Sorry the link doesn't work

In Drop Box you have to put the file in a Publicly accessible folder, then right click on it and get the link

Yes that links works well

Have you considered using Word and Mail Merge to do what you want

Open Word

Setup a Form

Goto Mail Merge

Link to your Excel File

Insert fields


You can Merge to Individual Students, All Students and save as a combined File or Individual Files

There are lots of How To's on the Web

Google "word mail merge from excel"

Thank you for your help. I'm not much for Word. I went searching and tried to play around with it. I got to the Open Word part without a problem. Setup a Form, that was a hard part. I tried to put my excel sheet in there and it would not fit on the page. No matter how little I made the margins. It's late, so I will get after it again tomorrow. Again, Thank you for your help.