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Generate a sub-list on a sheet from a master list based on criteria


New Member
I have this big spreadsheet. It is basically a list of documents that comes from a Sharepoint site dataview. The data is copied and pasted into Excel 2003. There is a column for the filename, and several text columns that help define the document.

I asked here http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/counting-items-in-column-a-based-on-partial-strings on how to count certain documents based on the criteria in different columns. So my question now becomes, can I generate a sub list of documents on a new sheet based on that chosen criteria?


Have you looked at using an Advanced Filter on the list?

otherwise have a read of http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/11/18/formula-forensics-003/
I could use that, however, I was hoping for a single formula that would populate a bunch of cells that fit certain criteria without being copied down a sheet.

I think it can only be done programatically in VBA.

Correct, no single formula can populate multiple cells. You can use the same formula in multiple cells.