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FYI: Opening PDF file(s) from Excel.

Eloise T

Active Member
I have an Excel sheet with cells containing numbers representing Lot #s (lot numbers) which have a corresponding .pdf file.

I want anyone looking at the Excel sheet to be able to click on a lot number button and have Hyperlink open the .pdf file. Hyperlink balked when I tried to make it work with .pdf files that start with #.

Once I changed the .pdf file names from #123456 to No.123456 Hyperlink worked just fine.

I am wondering why Excel 2016 in this case, doesn't like valid file names that begin with "#" ? Windows didn't complain when I created the .pdf files.

Anyone have any idea why this might be the case?
I suspect that this may not be a bug, but may be a unintended consequence of a an Excel feature.

Excel uses a # symbol to denote the page you want the file opened at
eg: a Hyperlink to: C:\My_PDF_File.pdf#5
will open the file My_PDF_File at Page 5

I'm not sure if there is any workaround for this as the same thing happens when you use the =Hyperlink() function
Yeah, I'm not sure either.

Nice to learn:
# symbol denotes the page you want the file opened at,
e.g. a Hyperlink to: C:\My_PDF_File.pdf#5
will open the file My_PDF_File at page five.