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Function to rearrange/shuffle a word in excel


Please I need help creating a function that can shuffle the characters of a word.

e.g Peak as kepa, faithful as thfaiutl

Trust that the gurus would solve it

Copy the following Function into a Code Module in VBA

to use just enter




Public Function scramble(Target As Variant)

On Error Resume Next
Dim CL As New Collection
scramble = ""

Do Until CL.Count = Len(Target)
R = Int(1 + Rnd * Len(Target))
CL.Add R, CStr(R)

For I = 1 To CL.Count
scramble = scramble & Mid(Target, CL(I), 1)

End Function

In the Scramble code, CL is a VBA Collection, think of it as a container to hold what ever is put inside.

CL.Add R, CStr(R)

CL.add adds items to the container

The item added is R, which in this case is a random number between 1 and the length of your word which is being scrambled

CStr(R) converts R to a String and that is used as a Key String to identify the object R in the Collection.

The neat part of this code is that the Collection won't accept two objects with the same Key CStr(R) and so the first Do/Loop keeps going until it has found a random Key for each character in the Word

The second For/Next loop then retrieves the items from the collection in order 1 to Len(Word), scrambling the word
Thanks so much for the explanations.

What prevents the collection from not accepting same Cstr(R)?

That was the part that made me ask for explanations in the first place.
Like a database the collection each entry has an optional Key

Once a key is used it is unique and can't be reused