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Formula using less than in GETPIVOTTABLE?


New Member
I have 2 Pivot tables

- Installs by Group, Source

- Daily User by Group, Source

These tables are ever changing, growing daily with new data.

Ultimately, I need to figure out how many users came back today (Daily Users) that installed prior to today (Installs) by GROUP and then, by SOURCE, separately.

I am working with this but I know it doesn't work b/c GETPIVOTTABLE doesn't appear to take less than (<) parameters.

Installs By Source "ad", for Groups "a" and "b" (combined)

=IFERROR(GETPIVOTDATA("Count",Pivots!$B$3,"Installed",<DATE(2013,3,24),"Group ID","a","Source","ad")+GETPIVOTDATA("Count",Pivots!$B$3,"Installed",<DATE(2013,3,24),"Group ID","b","Source","ad")," - ")

I guess to simplify my question... I just need this part to work.

=GETPIVOTDATA("Count",Pivots!$B$3,"Installed",<DATE(2013,3,24),"Group ID","a","Source","ad")

Get data from the pivot table where Install date is less than <some date> who is in Group <some group> and came from <some source>.


Any help is greatly appreciated!

I'm not sure that you can use less than like that in a Getpivotdata formula, but you could try:


Otherwise I suggest that you filter the Date in the Pivot table itself and then the formula won't require that