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formula to pick the values

Hello all

I need a formula to pick the values form the column based on the condition.

100010 1

100015 1

100016 1

100017 1

100018 1

100020 1

100021 1

100022 1

100025 1

100026 1

100036 1

100081 1

115049 1

115062 1

118007 1

122020 1

122021 1

132002 1

132004 1

214030 1

215094 1

215095 1

As per my requirement I need to Pick the values form 100010 to 100081 to another cell which is 12 as per the example.

Like this I have huge date to retrieve the values, Could someone please suggest me the right formula to retrieve the values.

When you say Pick the value do you mean any one of the 12 (as per the example above)...


Do you want those 12 values in a drop down

Dear Vijay,

thanks for looking into this...

Number Value

100010 $50.00

100015 $10.00

100016 $60.00

100017 $70.00

100018 $80.00

100020 $100.00

100021 $10.00

100022 $60.00

100025 $70.00

100026 $20.00

100036 $30.00

100081 $40.00

115049 $50.00

115062 $90.00

118007 $80.00

122000 $70.00

122021 $80.00

132002 $10.00

132004 $20.00

214030 $30.00

215001 $40.00

215095 $45.00

Total value for the numbers from 100010 to 100081 is $ 600.00.

It’s like as simple as pulling the values based on the a/c # which is between two numbers.
Assuming 100010 is in C2, and 100081 is in C3, the formula is:

Luke may mean

or you could use a sumproduct


Just to simplify Hui's example...


Column C contains all the numbers and Colum D contains the Dollar values.

However as per your original query, of summing automatically are you going to use a helper sheet like below

ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC

100010 100081 -get the output here

You would need to provide the inputs on where to start and stop and this can be easily done using the above.

Just a note, you can't callout entire columns in SUMPRODUCT if using XL 2003 or older.
or in 2007/10 you could use
