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Formula or Function Needed


New Member
Hello below is a worksheet which I have Uploaded, I need a formula or a function which can help make it work Thank You


Thank You

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

I will assume two things, 1 is that you know a little VBA and secondly that you want to reduce the Stock Qty on the Stock Sheet by the selected Items Qty?

Changing the CommandButton1_Click event should do what your after:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

' This is all new
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Worksheets("Stock").Range("B5:B100")
If c.Text = Worksheets("Selection").Range("B6").Text Then _
c.Offset(0, 2).Value = c.Offset(0, 2).Value - Worksheets("Selection").Range("C6").Value
End Sub
Hello Thank You for your replay, I am a begginer in VBA sorry,

Yes i would like : ou want to reduce the Stock Qty on the Stock Sheet by the selected Items Qty?

Do i create a new Button and paste in the code?

What do you mean by : Changing the CommandButton1_Click event should do what your after:

Thank You

Open the file and close the pop up menu

Alt F11

In the left hand tree view window find your project and select the Forms and then the Selection window

Double click on the Selection icon

Then double click on the Finish Button in the Right hand pane

Replace the code below the Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

with the code above

Alt F11 to go back to Excel and save your file
@Hui - Did you check your email

Thank You for that it has worked. Thank You very very much!

Can you explain the code for me please.

' This is all new

Dim c As Range - What does the C mean ?

For Each c In Worksheets("Stock").Range("B5:B100") - ( the item names)

If c.Text = Worksheets("Selection").Range("B6").Text Then _

(if the selection is in range B6 then )

c.Offset(0, 2).Value = c.Offset(0, 2).Value - (not sure here) Worksheets("Selection").Range("C6").Value ( then the selection worksheet range c6 -quantity)


End Sub

I dont understand the code, if possible can you break it down and explain it please.

Thank You very much. I greatly appreciate your help. Thank You once again
Dim c As Range - What does the C mean ?

C is a name for an object I could have called it Cat or Cell, The object is a Range

For Each c In Worksheets("Stock").Range("B5:B100")

This says for each Cell (C) in the Range B5:B100, so it will loop through each cell in the range

If c.Text = Worksheets("Selection").Range("B6").Text Then _

If the cells Text is equal to the text from Selection!B6 then do what is in the remainder of this line, otherwise goto the next line

c.Offset(0, 2).Value = c.Offset(0, 2).Value - Worksheets("Selection").Range("C6").Value

This will make the value of the Cell 2 cells to the right of the cell C equal to the value of the Cell 2 cells to the right of the cell C minus the value in Selection!B6


+ Got the next cell in the Range B6:B100 and check
Thank You very much for that!! Thank You

There is simply one last part left. I will attempt to create this my self but as the attached sheet was a sample i will test it with 2 or 3 other selection items

Here is the Link


Dim c As Range

For Each c In Worksheets("Stock").Range("B5:B100,G5:G100")

If c.Text = Worksheets("Selection").Range("B6,F6").Text Then _

c.Offset(0, 2).Value = c.Offset(0, 2).Value - Worksheets("Selection").Range("C6,G7").Value


Thank You

End Sub
This code however does not work

Dim c As Range

For Each c In Worksheets("Stock").Range("B5:B100,G5:G100")

If c.Text = Worksheets("Selection").Range("B6,F6").Text Then _

c.Offset(0, 2).Value = c.Offset(0, 2).Value - Worksheets("Selection").Range("C6,G7").Value


End Sub

Thank You
Hi, markhughes!

I downloaded your file and I notice this:

a) In userform Selection, CommandButton1 click event (the above code), "c" is a one-cell range that varies from B5 thru B100 and G5 thru G100, that's to say the loop is performed 192 times, but:

- you're checking its value against a two-cell range value (B6,F6), for which -even if they have individual values in B6 and F6 and Excel doesn't raise an error- the text property is null: just debug it and check for the value

- despite of that, the value to be subtracted when the condition is true (what it won't happen accordingly to previous paragraph) is related to a two-cell range (C6,G7) in my humble opinion should be (C6,G6)

b) To reduce search loops thru empty cells I would change the loop structure to something like this, if there are unique entries in range 5:100:


If Len(c.Text) = 0 Then Exit For
If Condition Then
Exit For
End If

or, if there are duplicate entries in range 5:100:


If Len(c.Text) = 0 Then Exit For
If Condition Then
End If

c) If what you intended to do is checking "c" value against B column and then after G column, you should use two nested If structures, as a two-cells range text property returns null, even both individual cells text property are not empty

d) I would add an empty column before E column in sheet Selection, so as to maintain the same structure and offsets that in sheet Stock: in this way, you would compare/use columns B against columns B and columns G against columns G, which I think is clearer than B vs. B and F vs. G.

Summary: you're right, the above code doesn't work, let us know what was the intended action and we'll try to help you fixing it.

here is a new link http://www.mediafire.com/?rn2qfd1s5b014yi

I have tried , (Well i think i have) what you suggested but it is not fully working I am new to VBA and a novice so still not sure

Thank You