K keanur Member Feb 13, 2014 #1 Hi Excel Ninjas, I have a small challenge, where as excel formula is not given any result. i have attached the sample. I put formula on cell A5 and copy it across A20 and still give result of 2. Would you advice on how i supposed to do on this. Thanks, Keanur Attachments tes.xlsx 8.8 KB · Views: 3
Hi Excel Ninjas, I have a small challenge, where as excel formula is not given any result. i have attached the sample. I put formula on cell A5 and copy it across A20 and still give result of 2. Would you advice on how i supposed to do on this. Thanks, Keanur
Hui Excel Ninja Staff member Feb 13, 2014 #2 You have Calculation set to manual Press F9 to recalculate now To set it to Automatic goto Formulas' Calculation Options
You have Calculation set to manual Press F9 to recalculate now To set it to Automatic goto Formulas' Calculation Options