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New Member
could someone please help me, what I am looking at doing is producing a form that will move machines according to their serial number to different buildings based upon months. I know the basic procedure for this using macros, but I am unfamiliar with forms in excel. If anyone could help that would be brilliant



Can you post a sample file with data and a list of criteria that determines when/where a machine should be assigned.

Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook

i think that works, if not i can email you it
what I want the form to do is have the user enter a serial number, building, floor and zone into the floor and a month in which it will be moved from. The form will look at the serial number, look at the tables created to see how many meter reads it has and then move that to the appropriate building


Can you give us a worked example of what inputs should do what ?
As I said in this cross post http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/moving-cells there are members who through good manners and curtsies will help....and there are this time.. Hui..again
Hi, robh0409!

Nice lists, all three, but how are they related to serial numbers, buildings, floors, zones into the floor and months of movement?

Consider uploading a sample file (including input data and manual examples of desired output), it'd be very useful for those who read this and might be able to help you. Thank you.
