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Fix Position Of Picture On Worksheet


Dear Excel Gurus,

I have set a picture as a back ground for my work sheet in excel 2007.

As I scroll down the sheet, the picture also moves down and repeats it self as I go down the page.

I want the picture to be fixed and never to move. In other words to restrain or lock picture/image on worksheet.

Could you please suggest on how to lock a picture.

Kind regards.

Ahmet K.

I don't believe you can do what your proposing

You have to remember that the Excel worksheet is a view of what will be printed out.
As such adding a background will be repeated on each page

If you want you can add pictures to either the Headers/Footers section of each page
or alternatively embed pictures in the Print Title with Rows/Columns to Repeat at the Top/Left of each page
Hi Ahmet, though Hui Sir has explained it already.

Just had a doubt, do you want to insert an image in the sheet or you want to set your sheet with an image background.
Dear Hui and Sachinbizboy,

Thank your for your quick replies.

@sachinbizboy, having read what Hui said, I have realized that my request is not actually very logical due to printing. But anyhow I wanted to set a bacground and keep it fixed (stable) on the page as I go down the page as in some web pages.

Please see the following web page as an example: http://www.brownielocks.com/fixedbackground.html

Back ground stays still.

Kind regards.

Hi Ahmet, now I understand what you are looking at.

If I am not wrong you want to "freeze" the image but not the cells.
So whenever the user scrolls, cell contents will change but image will be the same.

I think only experts on the Forum such as Hui Sir will be able to answer if is possible or not. :)
Hi, old dog!
Good afternoon.
After seeing your penguins fly to the sky when scrolled down I happen to imagine an image repositioning when scrolling, maybe I give a look at this later.
Good day SirJB7

I read it that the OP wanted the image to remain fixed but also to show in a print!
I guess excel can't full fill my request for the moment :)

Any picture that is inserted moves down as you scroll down the page and repeats itself.

Anyhow thank you all very much for all your valuable comments.

Kind regards.
