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find the top ten largest values in N and display each with associated item in A


New Member
I need to look down column N6:N400 and find the top ten largest values and display each one. For each top ten result I need to show the value from column A that is in the same row.

I need two forumulas:

1. look down column N and find the top ten largest numbers and display each.

2. Look down column A and find the value associated with the above number(s) (same row) and display it.

I need to account for ties, so that if the same number is listed twice, I don't see the first one listed multiple times.
I am currently using the following formulas, but they do not account for ties and I cannot figure out how to account for them so that I don't get duplicate entries in the list that I am creating.

For the number


For the match

Not sure what you did but I would have added a very small number to each formula in each cell in column N

Like row()/1000000
I have a very similar situation, but I need the Top 10 rows for each change in Column A.


Grocery Ice Cream $1,870,578

Grocery Bread $1,289,890

Grocery Milk $2,008,580



So, my result here for grocery, would be Milk, then Ice Cream, then Bread. Then I would need those names from Column B displayed, along with the Sales numbers from Column C. Then I would need to pull the same for "Toys", "Health", etc. Any suggestions?