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Extract numbers after character


I have this string :
A29 B500 A41 A56 D24 A98 K67 A14 A151 (A20 dia, go SETTING 1)
J21 A45 (go Setting 2)
G56 A98 A55 M50 A25

I would like to extract numbers after character A so from first string the the result should be : 20,41,56,98,14,151
Maximum repetition of A is 6.
Could you help with a formula on this ?
If possible ONLY, I do not want to extract anything between ().

Thanks all
Last edited:

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

It should be:
I would like to extract numbers after character A so from first string the the result should be : 29,41,56,98,14,151

If you have Excel 2013 or above, you can use FILTERXML() to split the specified data.

1] In B2, formula copied across and down :

=IFERROR(MID(FILTERXML("<x><a>"&SUBSTITUTE(LEFT($A2,FIND("(",$A2&"(")-1)," ","</a><a>")&"</a></x>","//*[starts-with(text(),'A')]["&COLUMNS($A:A)&"]"),2,16),"")

2] See attached file.



  • SplitSpecifiedData.xlsx
    10.8 KB · Views: 16

May be this VBA
Sub test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim j&, k&

For l& = 2 To 4
    m& = Len(Range("A" & l))
    m = m - Len(WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Range("A" & l), "A", ""))
        For i& = 1 To m
            If InStr(j + 1, Range("A" & l), "A") > 0 Then
                j = InStr(j + 1, Range("A" & l), "A") + 1
                k = InStr(k + 1, Range("A" & l), " ") - 1
                Range("B" & l) = Trim(Range("B" & l) & "," & Mid(Range("A" & l), j, k))
            End If
    s$ = Mid(Range("B" & l), 2, Len(Range("B" & l)))
    Range("B" & l) = s
    j = 0
    k = 0

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub



  • Book1.xlsb
    15 KB · Views: 4
Sorry for my very bad explanation on first post. The numbers extracted after Character A should go in ONE column, named A. Please see attached file. If A is unique in string, like A20 G12 N22, put in Column named A the number 20. If A has multiple repetitions, like A20 G3 A33 A98 K22 A126 then put in Column named A the numbers 20,33,98,126. And if in string is text in parenthesis like A25 C45 A33 A97 (A66 diameter, go to Setting 1) I do not want to "look/extract" between parenthesis so 66 is not extracted. I hope attached file make more sense. Sorry all and thanks again


  • Question1.xlsx
    10.8 KB · Views: 9
No, the text has one single bracket per string and is at the end of string.
A20 G19 A33 A44 N23 A55 (if A45 mm dia go to setting15)
The reason I do not want to look between brackets is that it can extract unwanted numbers like 45.
I could but then, starting from one column (String Column) I need a lot of Helper Columns to get the result back in one column. I am happy with all the ideas I got so far. The formula should be like : see where in String is the character "(" and do not look in right side of it, and then find first A, extract the numbers to first space, then find the next A and extract the numbers to next space, and so on until "("
I found how to extract numbers after A and next space, if A is unique in String.
I also, to Remove condition of "(" , I can SPLIT String in 2, move text in () to another column.
You can use below UDF.

In VBE add a general module and paste below code:
Public Function ExtractNumbers(rngInput As Range, Optional varDelim, Optional varChr) As String
Dim varOut
Dim i As Long

If IsMissing(varDelim) Then varDelim = ","
If IsMissing(varChr) Then varChr = "A"

If InStr(1, rngInput.Value, "(", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
    varOut = Split(Trim(rngInput.Value), " ")
    varOut = Split(Trim(Left(rngInput.Value, InStr(1, rngInput.Value, "(", vbTextCompare) - 1)), " ")
End If

For i = LBound(varOut) To UBound(varOut)
    If Left(varOut(i), 1) = CStr(varChr) Then
        ExtractNumbers = ExtractNumbers & " " & Replace(varOut(i), CStr(varChr), "")
    End If
Next i
ExtractNumbers = Replace(Trim(ExtractNumbers), " ", varDelim)

End Function

The use it like : =ExtractNumbers(A3)

I have kept optional arguments to change letters and delimiters.

e.g. =ExtractNumbers(A3,";","B")
Thank you all. The code work well but since my VBA understanding is close to zero, I have to use the above formulas. I also lost Undo/Redo with VBA so I do not know how to debug. I have learned a lot from you. My challenge now is to try nest somehow the formula above from Bosco_yip so I can get the numbers in one column. I found the numbers between first A and space after. How can I say "NEXT" I mean, do the same for next A and next space until characte "("
Don't be afraid to use helper columns.

Often, doing calculation steps in helper column(s) is far more efficient than doing it in single column/cell.

As well, it's easier for your successor to understand the spreadsheet, if and when you move on to something else. Or even for yourself, when you need to change something in the set up down the line.
I have a new question related to this post.
This time, the characters in String are single/unique but not in alphabetical order.
So String looks like : A100 F25 K29 C531 X44 (This K22 is a Text)
The same, extract until Character "(" if any in the string
I would like if possible to EXTRACT the numbers to CORRESPONDED Column !
So in my Table, 100 go to Column named A, 25 go to Column named F...
All columns are created, because I know all characters possible in string
I have a new question related to this post.
This time, the characters in String are single/unique but not in alphabetical order.
So String looks like : A100 F25 K29 C531 X44 (This K22 is a Text)
The same, extract until Character "(" if any in the string
I would like if possible to EXTRACT the numbers to CORRESPONDED Column !
So in my Table, 100 go to Column named A, 25 go to Column named F...
All columns are created, because I know all characters possible in string



In B2, copied across and down :


The Formula is looking between () and like I said above I only want to look UNTIL the Character "(" so in the LEFT side of this character
I was kind of expecting this and UDF was adjusted for it (and usage explained in Post #12).

See attached demo.


  • UDF_Results.xlsm
    17 KB · Views: 1
01. Could you PLEASE explain, in formula bellow, the meaning of : 9^9 and $1:$16 ?

Or.... another option,

In B2, copied across and down :


Could you help on this STRINGS SPLIT ?
A10 B20 C30 (TEXT) K40 S500
A300 G40

a) If () exist in string then : extract outside () like A10 B20 C30 K40 S500
b) And If () do not exist in string then keep the string as is like A300 G40