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Export the properties of an powerpoint shape to excel

Dear all,

I have a powerpoint with a shape on it. I already wrote code in powerpoint VBA so it prints out all the "editable" points of the shape. You can reproduce that by copying the figure from the excel sheet into a powerpoint and run the following code (cant upload ppt files)

Sub test()
Dim oSlides As Slides 'all slides
    Dim oSl As Slide 'slide
    Dim oSh As Shape 'shape
    Dim strOutput As String 'result output
    Dim strFileName As String 'output .txt file name
    Dim intFileNum As Integer
    Dim n As ShapeNode 'node of shape
    Dim x, y As Single 'coordinates of node
    Dim stringcount As String 'use to create each shape in a different string number in Surpac
    Dim curFolder As String
    Dim correctY As String
       'The coordinate system of Powerpoint start at the upper left corner
       '  going downward for the vertical.  The Y value as to be corrected
    ' Get the info
    Set oSlides = ActivePresentation.Slides
    For Each oSl In oSlides 'for each slide in the presentation
        'create a data header for the data extracted
        strOutput = "Slide" & ", " & "stringcount" & ", " & "x" & ", " _
        & "y" & ", " & "z" & ", " & "curved=1" & ", " & ", " & "Name" & vbCrLf
        'set the Surpac string number
        stringcount = 1
        For Each oSh In oSl.Shapes 'for each shape in the slide
        If oSh.Type = msoFreeform Then
            For Each n In oSh.Nodes 'for each node of each shape
                'correctY = 1000 - n.Points(1, 2) 'correct Y value of nodes to have Y axis upward
                'create the output as a comma-delimited file style
                'slide #, string #, Y, X, default Z=0, freeform #
                strOutput = strOutput _
                    & oSl.SlideIndex & ", " _
                    & stringcount & ", " _
                    & n.Points(1, 1) & ", " _
                    & n.Points(1, 2) & ", " _
                    & "0" & ", " _
                    & n.SegmentType & ", " _
                    & oSh.Name & vbCrLf
                MsgBox (strOutput)
             Next n
                stringcount = stringcount + 1
        End If
        Next oSh
            ' Create a .txt file for each slide that will be saved in the
            ' same directory than this presentation
            strFileName = "Slide_num_" & oSl.SlideIndex & ".txt"
            intFileNum = FreeFile()
            Open strFileName For Output As intFileNum
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then     ' message if problem creating file
                MsgBox "Couldn't create the file: " & strFileName & vbCrLf _
                & "Please try again."
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Print #intFileNum, strOutput
            Close #intFileNum
    Next oSl
End Sub
Sub test2()
Set myDocument = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
With myDocument.Shapes.AddLine(BeginX:=328.8083, BeginY:=166.5793, EndX:=328.1013, EndY:=168.7332).Line
    .DashStyle = msoLineDashDotDot
    .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(50, 0, 128)
End With
End Sub

If you run in the ppt you will see that it prints out the coordinates.

However I want the coordinates to be stored in an excel file. So therefore I copied the figure to an excel and want to do the same exercise as above but then store the coordinates in excel (in stead of popping up).

Does anybody have advice on how to do this?


  • sample.xlsx
    10.2 KB · Views: 3
Last edited:
Hi, marcvanderpeet12!
Got two errors, one at open time and another when trying to repair. Which Power Point version are you using? Maybe there're issues with mine, 2010.


  • Error opening pptx.jpg
    Error opening pptx.jpg
    35.7 KB · Views: 5
  • Error repairing pptx.jpg
    Error repairing pptx.jpg
    25.8 KB · Views: 4
Try this modified code

Sub test()
Dim oSlides As Slides 'all slides
  Dim oSl As Slide 'slide
  Dim oSh As Shape 'shape
  Dim strOutput As String 'result output
  Dim strFileName As String 'output .txt file name
  Dim intFileNum As Integer
  Dim n As ShapeNode 'node of shape
  Dim x, y As Single 'coordinates of node
  Dim stringcount As String 'use to create each shape in a different string number in Surpac
  Dim curFolder As String
  Dim correctY As String
  'The coordinate system of Powerpoint start at the upper left corner
  '  going downward for the vertical.  The Y value as to be corrected
  ' Get the info

  'Open Excel File
  Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
  Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
  xlApp.Visible = True
  wbook = ActiveWorkbook.Name

  Set oSlides = ActivePresentation.Slides
  For Each oSl In oSlides 'for each slide in the presentation
  'create a data header for the data extracted
  strOutput = "Slide" & ", " & "stringcount" & ", " & "x" & ", " _
  & "y" & ", " & "z" & ", " & "curved=1" & ", " & ", " & "Name" & vbCrLf
  'set the Surpac string number
  stringcount = 1
  i = 2
  For Each oSh In oSl.Shapes 'for each shape in the slide
  If oSh.Type = msoFreeform Then
  For Each n In oSh.Nodes 'for each node of each shape
  'correctY = 1000 - n.Points(1, 2) 'correct Y value of nodes to have Y axis upward
  'create the output as a comma-delimited file style
  'slide #, string #, Y, X, default Z=0, freeform #
  strOutput = strOutput _
  & oSl.SlideIndex & ", " _
  & stringcount & ", " _
  & n.Points(1, 1) & ", " _
  & n.Points(1, 2) & ", " _
  & "0" & ", " _
  & n.SegmentType & ", " _
  & oSh.Name & vbCrLf
  'MsgBox (strOutput)
  'Write data to Excel

  With Workbooks(wbook).Sheets(1)
  .Cells(i, 1) = oSl.SlideIndex
  .Cells(i, 2) = stringcount
  .Cells(i, 3) = n.Points(1, 1)
  .Cells(i, 4) = n.Points(1, 2)
  .Cells(i, 5) = n.SegmentType
  .Cells(i, 6) = oSh.Name
  End With
  i = i + 1
  Next n
  stringcount = stringcount + 1
  End If
  Next oSh
  ' Create a .txt file for each slide that will be saved in the
  ' same directory than this presentation
  strFileName = "Slide_num_" & oSl.SlideIndex & ".txt"
  intFileNum = FreeFile()
  Open strFileName For Output As intFileNum
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then  ' message if problem creating file
  MsgBox "Couldn't create the file: " & strFileName & vbCrLf _
  & "Please try again."
  Exit Sub
  End If
  Print #intFileNum, strOutput
  Close #intFileNum
  Next oSl
End Sub

You will need to add a Reference to the Microsoft Excel Library
Goto Tools, References and select Microsoft Excel xx.0 Library
Works! Thanks a lot!

Try this modified code

Sub test()
Dim oSlides As Slides 'all slides
  Dim oSl As Slide 'slide
  Dim oSh As Shape 'shape
  Dim strOutput As String 'result output
  Dim strFileName As String 'output .txt file name
  Dim intFileNum As Integer
  Dim n As ShapeNode 'node of shape
  Dim x, y As Single 'coordinates of node
  Dim stringcount As String 'use to create each shape in a different string number in Surpac
  Dim curFolder As String
  Dim correctY As String
  'The coordinate system of Powerpoint start at the upper left corner
  '  going downward for the vertical.  The Y value as to be corrected
  ' Get the info

  'Open Excel File
  Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
  Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
  xlApp.Visible = True
  wbook = ActiveWorkbook.Name

  Set oSlides = ActivePresentation.Slides
  For Each oSl In oSlides 'for each slide in the presentation
  'create a data header for the data extracted
  strOutput = "Slide" & ", " & "stringcount" & ", " & "x" & ", " _
  & "y" & ", " & "z" & ", " & "curved=1" & ", " & ", " & "Name" & vbCrLf
  'set the Surpac string number
  stringcount = 1
  i = 2
  For Each oSh In oSl.Shapes 'for each shape in the slide
  If oSh.Type = msoFreeform Then
  For Each n In oSh.Nodes 'for each node of each shape
  'correctY = 1000 - n.Points(1, 2) 'correct Y value of nodes to have Y axis upward
  'create the output as a comma-delimited file style
  'slide #, string #, Y, X, default Z=0, freeform #
  strOutput = strOutput _
  & oSl.SlideIndex & ", " _
  & stringcount & ", " _
  & n.Points(1, 1) & ", " _
  & n.Points(1, 2) & ", " _
  & "0" & ", " _
  & n.SegmentType & ", " _
  & oSh.Name & vbCrLf
  'MsgBox (strOutput)
  'Write data to Excel

  With Workbooks(wbook).Sheets(1)
  .Cells(i, 1) = oSl.SlideIndex
  .Cells(i, 2) = stringcount
  .Cells(i, 3) = n.Points(1, 1)
  .Cells(i, 4) = n.Points(1, 2)
  .Cells(i, 5) = n.SegmentType
  .Cells(i, 6) = oSh.Name
  End With
  i = i + 1
  Next n
  stringcount = stringcount + 1
  End If
  Next oSh
  ' Create a .txt file for each slide that will be saved in the
  ' same directory than this presentation
  strFileName = "Slide_num_" & oSl.SlideIndex & ".txt"
  intFileNum = FreeFile()
  Open strFileName For Output As intFileNum
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then  ' message if problem creating file
  MsgBox "Couldn't create the file: " & strFileName & vbCrLf _
  & "Please try again."
  Exit Sub
  End If
  Print #intFileNum, strOutput
  Close #intFileNum
  Next oSl
End Sub

You will need to add a Reference to the Microsoft Excel Library
Goto Tools, References and select Microsoft Excel xx.0 Library