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Excel VBA - Can't add code or call another Macro after Next loop!!!

Lee Francis

New Member
Hi Guys,

I hope you can help

I have some code which works fine but doesn't fully complete the task at hand. I need to either add to this code or call another macro to complete the job.

I'm struggling to do this. Each time I try I am failing. The last function of the code is a next loop and I think that when I try to call the macro at the end of the sub it is simply looping backthrough the next loop.

Has anyone experienced this before or can you help with this?

I have pasted the code below and I can send the spreadsheet to anyone who needs to see in detail

Thanks for your help guys


Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Sheets(2).Visible = xlVeryHidden
Dim a, b, c, ws, wb, d, e, f, i
On Error GoTo err

d = Split(Sheets(2).Range("D1").Value, ";")

a = WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets(1).Range("B3").Value, Sheets(2).Range("B:b"), 0)
If Len(a) = 1 Then
a = "0" & WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets(1).Range("B3").Value, Sheets(2).Range("B:B"), 0)
End If
If Len(Sheets(1).Range("B4").Value) = 1 Then a = "0" & Sheets(1).Range("B4").Value & "." & a
If Len(Sheets(1).Range("B4").Value) = 2 Then a = Sheets(1).Range("B4").Value & "." & a
a = a & "." & Sheets(1).Range("B2").Value & ".xlsx"

b = Sheets(1).Range("B5").Value
If b = "" Then b = "."

If Right(b, 1) <> "" Then b = b & ""


Call dirfiles(b)

c = Sheets(2).Range("E65536").End(xlUp).Row
If c = 1 Then GoTo nofiles

For Each cell In Sheets(2).Range("E1:E" & c)
If Right(cell.Value, 15) <> a Then cell.Value = ""
a = Left(a, Len(a) - 5)

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

On Error Resume Next
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = a
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Sheets(a).Range("A1").Value = "DDR vs QM for " & a
Sheets(a).Range("A1").EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 12
Sheets(a).Range("A3").Value = "Delivery Note Number"
Set ws = Sheets(a)

For Each ccel In Sheets(2).Range("E1:E" & c)
If ccel.Value = "" Then GoTo nextccel
wb = ccel.Value
Workbooks.Open Filename:=b & wb, UpdateLinks:=False, ignorereadonlyrecommended:=True
Workbooks(wb).Sheets(1).UsedRange.MergeCells = False
i = 1
For i = 1 To 5
Set e = Workbooks(wb).Sheets(d(i)).UsedRange.Find(What:="Delivery Note", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
f = e.Row + 1
e = Mid(e.Address, InStr(e.Address, "$") + 1, InStr(2, e.Address, "$") - 2)
Workbooks(wb).Sheets(d(i)).Range(e & f & ":" & e & Workbooks(wb).Sheets(d(i)).Range(e & "65536").End(xlUp).Row).Copy
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(a).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next i
Workbooks(wb).Close savechanges = False

Next ccel


Exit Sub

MsgBox "No files with name " & Chr(34) & "*" & a & Chr(34) & " in folder " & Chr(34) & b & Chr(34) & " found. Nothing processed."
Exit Sub

MsgBox err.Description
End Sub

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$B$3" Then
If Target.Value = "February" And Target.Offset(1, 0).Value > 28 Then Target.Offset(1, 0).Value = 28
If Target.Value = "April" And Target.Offset(1, 0).Value > 30 Then Target.Offset(1, 0).Value = 31
If Target.Value = "June" And Target.Offset(1, 0).Value > 30 Then Target.Offset(1, 0).Value = 31
If Target.Value = "September" And Target.Offset(1, 0).Value > 30 Then Target.Offset(1, 0).Value = 31
If Target.Value = "November" And Target.Offset(1, 0).Value > 30 Then Target.Offset(1, 0).Value = 31
End If
If Target.Address = "$B$4" Then
If Target.Value = 31 And Target.Offset(-1, 0).Value = "November" Then Target.Value = 30
If Target.Value = 31 And Target.Offset(-1, 0).Value = "September" Then Target.Value = 30
If Target.Value = 31 And Target.Offset(-1, 0).Value = "June" Then Target.Value = 30
If Target.Value = 31 And Target.Offset(-1, 0).Value = "April" Then Target.Value = 30
If Target.Value > 28 And Target.Offset(-1, 0).Value = "February" Then Target.Value = 28
End If
End Sub

Sub dirfiles(b)
Set myobject = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set mysource = myobject.getfolder(b)
On Error Resume Next
irow = 2
For Each myfile In mysource.Files
Sheets(2).Cells(irow, 5).Value = myfile.Name
irow = irow + 1

End Sub

A few comments

You should try and use descriptive variables in your code, as although you remember what d represents now, I'll bet in 2 years time you have no idea

You should indent your code using Tab in the VBA editor, This makes following logical loops a lot easier

In the Forums simply put a ` in front of and after the code to maintain the indents

I have done it for you above

You should have some comments even if they tell us what each block of code is doing, it makes debugging a lot simpler

Finally, Can you tell us where the issue you describe is?

What happens and what should happen
Hi Hui

Thanks for coming back to me.

I'll be sure to follow your instructions in future.

The problem is that when I try to call another macro by entering "call macroname" just before End Sub it fails.

I have done this many times before but this is the first time I have had a problem. The next loop above end sub seems to be causing the problem

Thanks again for taking the time to look at this


Can you please check what your saying

There is only 1 call line in your code

Call dirfiles(b)

Which is not before End Sub ?

It is just under


Call dirfiles(b)
Sorry Hui,

The call is not added in this code. I have tried to call several macros and I have also tried to paste in code between "next" and "end sub" but the next loop is interrupting anything that I try to do.

I just wanted to know if anyonw had experienced a similar problem with the next loop as I have.

I didn't add the call because I have tried several options to add the final step to this process.

Perhaps I should spend some time to add the comments as you suggested and post this again later

Thanks Hui
