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excel question


New Member
Akay Agencies

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I have 1000 entries in excel 2007 like the one above as shown in a single comumn A having company name address and phone number.The next company information in the same column is after every single row space like this i have 100o cpmany information data with 1 cell space as a blank row.

all i want is that all information like comp name address and contact number etc should get transposed in columns for all companies with there respective information.

kindly suggest with formula
this is the link to my excel file

i want the data to be get transposed with formula

kindly help

Good day rahulsharma012

Your title reads "excel question" as this is an Excel forum I suppose you are right in that but it tells the members nothing about your problem as all questions on this forum are "excel question"(s). Members have diffrent levels of Excel intrest and a Title which goes some way to describe the problem will get more intrest.

Please note Bobhc's comments about your Urgency not being our problem

If you want to pay somebody to help you you can put a time limit on that job and then badger them, but not here please


Insert a new Column A

In A2:
=IF(B2="","-",IF(B1="","Company",IF(A1="Company","Add1",IF(A1="Add1","Add2", IF(AND(A1="Add2",B3<>""),"Add3",IF(LEFT(B2,3)="Pho","Phone", IF(LEFT(B2,3)="Fax","Fax",IF(LEFT(B2,3)="Web","Web",IF(LEFT(B2,3)="Mob","Mobile", IF(OR(LEFT(B2,3)="E-m",LEFT(B2,3)="Ema"),"EMail","Add4"))))))))))

Copy down to end of data

Copy/paste as values the new Column A overitself

In D1:M1 put the labels

[code]Company	Add1	Add2	Add3	Add4	Phone	Mobile	Fax	Email	Web

D2: =IF(A2=$D$1,B2,"")

E2: =IF($D2<>"",IF(MATCH(E$1,INDIRECT("A"&(1+MATCH($D2,$B$2:$B$1081,0))&":A1081"),0)>MATCH("-",INDIRECT("A"&(1+MATCH($D2,$B$2:$B$1081,0))&":A1081"),0),"",OFFSET($B$1,MATCH($D2,$B$2:$B$1081,0)+MATCH(E$1,INDIRECT("A"&(1+MATCH($D2,$B$2:$B$1081,0))&":A1081"),0)-1,0)))[/code]

Copy E2 Across to M2

Copy D2:M2 down to the end of your data

Copy D2:M1081

Paste as values over itself

Sort D2:M1081

You will see that a lot of the data in the B's etc doesn't have gaps between each Address

You'll have to fix that manually between before doing the above

Also some fields have multiple Phone Numbers or combined Fields like email/web etc

You'll have to fix that manually


This was so urgent, that after 5 days you can't be bothered responding?
Good day Hui

I have noticed a trend on the forum that those that need help "urgently" or post with a non-descript title are among those that are least likley to say thank you.

I Agree

Luckily formulas like =IF($D2<>"",IF(MATCH(E$1,INDIRECT("A"&(1+MATCH($D2,$B$2:$B$1081,0))&":A1081"),0)>MATCH("-",INDIRECT("A"&(1+MATCH($D2,$B$2:$B$1081,0))&":A1081"),0),"",OFFSET($B$1,MATCH($D2,$B$2:$B$1081,0)+MATCH(E$1,INDIRECT("A"&(1+MATCH($D2,$B$2:$B$1081,0))&":A1081"),0)-1,0)))

just roll off the tongue (I say in jest)

I don't even care if people don't say Thank You, it would just be nice to know that the solution offered was right or not?