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Excel full screen border-less display


New Member
Hi to all,

Firstly, Thks Chandoo for a great website. I learned all my excel from your site alone!

I've a running digital clock in excel that I need to project in full screen (without any borders) to a LCD screen but I can't seem to get rid of the borders and scroll bars.

I've also tried linking the excel file to a powerpoint which is the only a program I know that displays in a full screen without any borders but the clock stops operating when I place the powerpoint in slideshow mode. Any way of enabling continuous updating in the slideshow mode?

Alternatively, if there is a way of displaying selected excel cells in full screen, I'd be grateful too.

Cheers and Thks in advance for your help!


I have done this with a projector using a laptop at say 1920 x 1200 and have the projector at say 1200 x 768 but set to display a duplicate of the main screen

So you will have 2 screen 1's

You can then resize excel on the main screen so that its borders are outside the area displayed on the projector.

I'm sure it will require fiddling with graphics options.
I don't have the same problem with you, but actually I also need to get a full screen view of my Excel workbook and sheets. The full screen view function is more important especially when working in a small screen. Excel itself can set up such kind of view; but it can only supports a maximized window. I have found an add-in Kutools for Excel, which has a Max Workspace function. It can provides 4 options to maximize the Excel workspace, such as minimize the Ribbon, hide the status bar, hide the formula bar and hide the Ribbon.

This can be done with vba coding, as follows:

'this code needs to under ThisWorkbook object, when the workbook is activated it will remove all the toolbars.

Private Sub Workbook_Activate()

Run "RemoveToolbars"

End Sub

'this code needs to under ThisWorkbook object agin, when the workbook is de-activated it will restore all the toolbars.

Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate()

Run "RestoreToolbars"

End Sub

'below two sub-routines should be under module

Sub RemoveToolbars()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = False

With Application

.DisplayFullScreen = True

.CommandBars("Full Screen").Visible = False

End With

On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Sub RestoreToolbars()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

On Error GoTo 0

ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = True

With Application

.DisplayFullScreen = False

End With

End Sub

This works with 2003 and also in 2007, but still window top bar will be visible, it does look like ppt in full screen.

Hope it helps.

