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Excel Charts


New Member
Hi Chandoo,

I am trying to plot some graphs with a common Y axis (titled as Scale in Sheet Data). Please check the file: http://www.speedyshare.com/files/23973395/Plot-Help.xls. In the Sheet "Plot" you can see my graphs; data taken to generate these graphs are as:

1) Count Plot: - Y-Axis from Column A, X-Axis from Column B (this plot is okay for me)

2) Qty Plot: - Y-Axis from Column G, X-Axis Column from H & I

3) Percentage Plot: - Y-Axis from Column G, X-Axis from Column J & K.

I have transferred values of Qty 1, Qty 2, % - 1 and % - 2 to Columns C, D, E, and F respectively by selecting their nearest original Scale values available in Column A. Now I want Qty Plot to use values from Column A for Y axis and from Column B & C for X axis as well as for Percentage Plot Y axis value form Column A and X axis values from Columns E & F. Also see the Horizontal Bars in Percentage Plot so tiny, how to make it widen?

Once graphs are plotted it needs to be printed on A4 size Banner Printing Paper in two pages by adjusting Plot length.

I hope you or some of the users in the Forum can help me to find a solution.

Thanks & regards,



For the Qty Plot can't you just change the series to Col A

Select the Qty Chart

Select a Series line

Change equations to:




For the Plotting select the area B2:T198

Select Page setup and set

Print 1 wide x 2 Tall

Orientation: Portrait

Adjust margins to squeeze out every last mm of space

There is not much that can be done with the bars width if you maintain scale as the whole bar chart is only a small part of the whole range of the other 2 charts

Adjust Bar Properties so there is No Gap and No Separation

Thank you for the quick reply. As I don’t know much about chart please help me again to solve the error message. When I try to enter your equation in X value Box, I got an error message as in the attached .JPG file http://www.speedyshare.com/files/23974518/Error1.jpg. Cloud you please say what went wrong or can upload a corrected file?

Thanks in advance for your help and support.

For the Qty Plot can't you just change the series to Col A

Select the Qty Chart

Select a Series line

Don't go into the Data Series Option, Change the equations in the Formula Bar at the top of the screen

Change equations to:



Hi Hui,

As per your instructions I copied the equation and pasted but the Qty Plot then changed as Count Plot with an additional slopping line appeared at top. What I need is that Qty Plot should take vales from Column C & D to plot the two lines.

Hope you may still extend your helps.
You are jumping ahead somewhere?

Select the Chart

then select a Series

When the series is selected look at the Formula Bar and change it as shown above

Then repeat with the other series

I would put the charts back on the same page with the data so that you can see what is happening at the same time you edit the series. You can move them later if required.