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Excel chart greates multiple images and slows dow the program

I have a spreadsheet with a s-curve on a seperat tab. Problem is that every time the file is saved it creates a new image of the curve. And now it is so many that the spreadsheet chrashes every time I try to do something.

When i select the graph area it says "Picture 734" Does I realy have 734 images of the graph on top of eachother? No wonder the program uses up all my memory and chrashes.

Any solution to make excel just uppdate the one imagfe of the graph? Anyone else experienced the same?

The file must have a macro or some code which is doing that?

Are you familiar with VBA and can check it out ?

can you post it here ? Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
Can you post the file here ? Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
Also if you have 730 charts and want to clean them up?

Have a read of this post: http://chandoo.org/wp/2010/12/02/the-selection-pane/

I've had a look through your file and your right there is o macro's

I'd suggest you cleanup / delete all the excess charts from the Chart page

Select the Chart Page

goto the Page Layout, Selection Pane

Select one of the Groups in the selection pane, then Ctrl A to select all the charts

Unselect one Chart by using Ctrl and Select a group

Then press Delete

Save the file and re-open

I am unsure what "uploaded to SPS the problem starts" means in relation to this problem but if it persists, I'd discuss with the SPS people and see what they say.
Thanks Hui. I was able to delete all "extra" images, but when I make some changes and saves it the problem starts all over again. Wath I need is a vay to prevent Excel from greating all those imagers og the chart.

When I made the spreadsheet I also madfe it to save the Chart tab as a Single Page Web File. That was to be published on an Share Point Site. I had to experiment a bit to make that work the way I wanted it så I saved ti Single Page Web Page two times in diferent filenames. And now when I save the spreadsheet it saves two web pages. Could that have some ting to do with the chart image problem?

I'm looking for å way to stop it frm making web page files but cant find out how to stop it.

I have made copy of the file but it still creates the web pages. I have also tried to copy the sheets to a new file and saved it in there and it still keeps makeing thos dam web pages.
I can't help you here

I tried saving in various combinations and can't reproduce your error

If you are interacting with SAS or a Sharepoint server I can't help you

Have you tried posting the question to a Sharepoint Site ?