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Excel 2007 doubt...


New Member
In Excel 2007 there is no option to choose the label function from "calculation tab" under tool. so, my question is if I want use names of the label for example "Sum" of name of month( June)i.e row with the corresponding column name( group) + July and corresponding group. instead of alphabets like (=Sum B4:C4).... I wanted use the names of the label as formula ( =June group + July group). When I do this using month names I get an error(#Name) but, using the normal formula(=sum B4:C4)it works. Why?

I need your help.


This is achieved using Named Formula

Have a look at the post: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/more-information-see-prior-post

But the process is

Setup a Formula which applies to a Name. the formula may refer to a Static Range eg: =Sheet1!A1:A10 or a dynamic range as described in the above link.

Then use that name in formulas to refer to the range eg: =Sum(Amount)
I'm referring to these videos

1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChttKCjQLw4&feature=related

For example : (June group+ July group) doesn't work on my Excel 2007 it gives an error.

Even to take % i.e divide using label names instead of the row and columns alphabetic names...full/month gives an error (#Name) and also try to copy the formula for adjoining column gives same answer instead of calculating using the formula ...in Excel 2007. Is there are option to change since, it's pretty easy in Excel 97 or Excel 2003.

2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=XwAXEBC6CP8

For %Sales using the formula E2/$E$5works fine but, when I try to drag and paste as in the video it keeps giving the same % as the F2 row. why is that for Excel 2007?


In this video
Hi ,

This feature is not supported in Excel 2007 !

